European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

10th International Lab Meeting – Winter Session 2008 Scientific Material


Selection of Scientific Material related to the Key Lectures




Scientific Material related to Prof. de Rosa's Key Lecture:



De Rosa’s contributions in this area is aimed at promoting:

critical comparison between the explanatory principles of the social representations paradigm on one hand and the vast social cognition literature on the other, although there is a wide affinity in terms of contents and objects of investigation;
analysis of the relations between the concept of Social Representations and other key constructs and related theories of social psychology like attitudes, opinions, images, actions, multi-dimensional identities, socially shared emotions, social and collective memory, minority influence theory etc.;
interest in a developmental approach to the study of S.R.;
meta-theoretical analysis to review the critical debate about the Social Representations theory and other emerging paradigms, such as discourse analysis, inspired by both integrating and differentiating approach based on the compatibility of their epistemic principles.


* de Rosa, A.S. (1990). Considérations pour une comparaison critique entre les R.S. et la Social Cognition. Sur la signification d'une approche psychogénetique à l'étude des représentations sociales. Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale5, 69-109. [ISSN: 0777-0707 E029962]

* de Rosa, A.S. (1992). Rappresentazioni Sociali e Social cognition in prospettiva evolutiva: una doppia via alla conoscenza del mondo sociale? Rassegna di Psicologia1, 41-94. [ISSN: 1125-5196 E141492]

* de Rosa, A.S. (1992). "Social Representations and the Genesis of Social Knowledge", Ongoing Production on Social Representations 1 (2-3): 94-108 (in coll. con Duveen, G.).  

* de Rosa, A.S. (1992). Thematic perspectives and epistemic principles in developmental Social Cognition and Social Representation. The meaning of a developmental approach to the investigation of. S.R. In M. von Cranach, W. Doise & G. Mugny (Eds.), Social representations and the social bases of knowledge  (pp. 120-143). Lewiston, N.Y.: Hogrofe & Huber Publishers.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1993). Social Represetantions and Attitudes: problems of coherence between the theoretical definition and procedure of research. Papers on Social Representations, 2 (3), 178-192. [ISSN: 1021-5573 E185546]

* de Rosa, A.S. (1994). From theory to meta-theory in S.R.: the lines of argument of a theoretical-methodological debate. Social Science Information33 (2), 273-304. [ISSN: 0539-0184]

* de Rosa, A.S. (1995). Comparatie criticã între reprezentãrile sociale si cognitia socialã. In A. Neculau (Ed.), Psihologia câmpului social: Reprezentãrile sociale (pp. 257-310). Bucuresti: Societatea Stiinta & Tehnica.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1995). Invited comment on the Ana Maria Ullàn's article 'Art and reality: the construction of meaning', in Papers on S.R., 4,2: 125-131.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1997). Soziales Gedächtnis und die symbolischen Dimensionen der sozialen Repräsentationen von Wahnisnn und Geisteskrankheit. In Matthias C. Angermeyer & Manfred Zaumseil (Hg.), Verrückte Entwürfe: Kulturelle und individulle Verarbeitung psychischen Krankseins(pp. 299-336). Bonn: Edition Das Narrenschiff im Psychiatrie-Verlag.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2002). Le besoin d’une “théorie de la méthode”. In C. Garnier (Ed.), Les formes de la pensée sociale (pp. 151-187). Paris: P.U.F. [ISBN: 9782130523116]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2003). “Non pas pour démontrer, mais pour innover” Serge Moscovici promoteur de recherches au delà des frontières. Journal des Psychologues"Serge Moscovici. Le père des représentations sociales. Seize contributions pour mieux comprendre", novembre 2003, 55-59. [ISSN: 0752-501X E090123]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2004). The role of emotions in the dynamics of remembering/forgetting the collective traumatic event 9/11 2001 from September 11 to the Iraq war. Revista de Psihologia Sociala, 13, 19-43. Romania: Editura Polirom, Iasi. [ISSN: 1454-5667]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2006). “?Por qué es importante?” Notas inspiradas en una mirada reflexiva a la teoria de las representaciones sociales. In S. Valencia Abundiz, (Ed.), Repreesentaciones sociales. Alteridad, epistemologia y movimientos sociales, (pp. 79-173). Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, México. . [ISBN: 970-27-1005-7]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2006). The boomerang effect of radicalism in Discursive Psychology: A critical overview of the controversy with the Social Representations Theory. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 36 (2), 161-201. [ISSN: 0021-8308]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2006). Atteggiamento. In Melchiorre V. (Ed.), Enciclopedia Filosofica, (vol. I, pp. 841-848). Milano: Bompiani.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2006). Rappresentazione. In Melchiorre, V. (Ed.), Enciclopedia Filosofica, (vol. X, pp. 9388-9399). Milano: Bompiani.

* de Rosa, A.S. (ed.) (2008) Special Issue  “Looking at the History of Social Psychology and Social Representations: Snapshot views from two sides of the Atlantic”, Rassegna di Psicologia, Roma , Carocci, [ISSN: 1125-5196 E141492]

* de Rosa, A.S.  ed.  (forthcoming) Social Representations in the "social arena": the theory in contexts faced with “social demand”. Routledge, New York – London

* de Rosa A.S., d’Ambrosio M. (2003). Difuzarea teoriei reprezentarilor sociale prin intermediul contextului institutional al comunicarii stiintifice. Psihologia Sociala12, 7-47. Bucaresti: Polirom 2003.[ISSN: 1454-5667]

* de Rosa A.S., d’Ambrosio M. (2008). International conferences as interactive scientific media channels: the history of the Social Representations theory through the eight editions of ICSR from Ravello (1992) to Rome (2006). In A.S. de Rosa (ed.) Special Issue  “Looking at the History of Social Psychology and Social Representations: Snapshot views from two sides of the Atlantic”, Rassegna di Psicologia, Roma , Carocci, [ISSN: 1125-5196 E141492]

* de Rosa A.S., Farr, R. (2001). Icon and symbol: Two sides of the coin in the Investigation of Social Representations. In F. Buschini & N. Kalampalikis (Eds.), Penser la vie, le social, la nature. Mélanges en hommage à Serge Moscovici (pp. 237-256). Paris: Les Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. [ISBN: 2735109062]

* de Rosa A.S., Mormino C. (2000). Memoria social, identidad nacional y representaciones sociales: son constructos convergentes? Un estudio sobre la Union Europea y sus Estados miembros con una mirada hacia el pasado. In A. Rosa Rivero, G. Bellelli & D. Bakhurst (Eds.), Memoria colectiva e identidad nacional (pp. 451-475). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. [ISBN: 847030769X]

* de Rosa, A. S.& Mormino, C. (2002). Au confluent de la mémoire sociale: étude sur l’identité nationale et européenne. In S. Laurens & N. Roussiau (Eds.), La mémoire sociale. Identités et Représentations Sociales (pp. 119-137). Rennes: Les Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR). [ISBN: 2-86847-609-0]

* de Rosa A.S., Smith A. (1997). Cmpameruu obujehuk akmubhoro mehumuhcmba b peknamhon cujehapuu: Benetton-Toscani. Psycological Review, 1 (4), 39-55. Moscow. [ISSN: 0033-295X E138446]

* de Rosa A.S., Smith A. (1998). Représentations sociales polémiques et styles  d’influence minoritaire, la communication publicitaire de Benetton. Bulletin de Psychologie51 (4), 436, 399-416. [ISSN: 0007-4403]




With regard to methodology, the research has led de Rosa to:

advocate a multi-methodological approach to the study of S.R., by underlying the inconsistency spread in the literature between the complexity of the S.R. construct and its methodological operationalization;
B.2 emphasize the interest for the figurative channel of communication as a source and product of S.R.;
create new projective techniques, such as the 'associative network', and to compare its validity with other associative techniques   like associative card and basic cognitive schemas;
investigate how different strategies of data analysis (Spad-T, Alceste, Discan, Lisrel, Hudap, etc.) applied to the same data files effect the result and its interpretation in terms of “theory of method”.



* de Rosa, A.S. (1987). “Différents niveaux d’analyse du concept de représentation sociale en relation aux méthodes utilisées”, pp. 47-63, in G. Bellelli (ed.), La représentation sociale de la maladie mentale. Napoli: Liguori.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1988). “Sur l’usage des associations libres dans l’étude des représentations sociales de la maladie mentale”, Connexions, 51: 27-50.

*  de Rosa, A.S. (1990). Per un approccio multi-metodo allo studio delle Rappresentazioni Sociali. Rassegna di Psicologia3, 101-152. [ISSN: 1125-5196 E141492]

* de Rosa, A.S. (1994). The end justifies the means, but.... the means might modify the end, Invited paper presented at the Round Table "Methodological Perspectives on Social Representations" 2nd International Conference on Social Representations, Rio de Janeiro, August 29th - September 1st,1994.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1994). Comparativity in research on Social Representations: some of the methodological questions and the underlyining theory of the method, Invited papers presented at 5th Congress A.R.I.C. (Sarrebrucken, 26-30 Sept. 1994) in ACTS of the Conferences.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1995). Sobre el uso de las asociaciones libres en el estudio de las representaciones sociales de la enfermedad mental, Revue Fronesis, Institute de Philosophie de l'Université du Zullia, Venezuela.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1995). Le “réseau d’associations” comme méthode d’étude dans la recherche sur les R.S.: structure, contenus et polarité du champ sémantique. Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie sociale, 28, 96-122. [ISSN: 0777-0707]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2001). Représentations iconique et communication: l’application du photolangage dans un contexte de “focus group”. Invited contribution presented at the Meeting on Focus Group and Social Representations, Maison Suger, Paris, France (28 & 29 November 2001)

* de Rosa, A.S. (2002). The "associative network": a technique for detecting structure, contents, polarity and stereotyping indexes of the semantic fields.  European Review of Applied Psychology52 (3/4), 181-200. [ISSN: 1162-9088 E060879]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2003). Le "réseau d'associations": une technique pour détecter la structure, les contenus, les indices de polarité, de neutralité et de stéréotypie du champ sémantique liés aux Représentations Sociales. In J. C. Abric (Ed.), Méthodes d’étude des représentations sociales (pp. 81-117). Paris: Editions Erès. [ISBN: 2-7492-0123-3]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2005). A “Rede Associativa”: uma técnica para captar a estrutura, os conteùdos, e os ìndices de polaridade, neutralidade e estereotipia dos campos semànticos relacionados com a Representações Sociais. In A. S. Paredes Moreira, (Ed.), Perspectivas Teorico-metodològicas em Representações Sociais, (pp. 61-127). Editora Universitária – UFPB, João Pessoa.

* de Rosa, A.S. & Kirckler E. (1996). Wirkungsanalyse von Werbebotschaften mittels Assoziationsgeflecht. Spontane Reaktionen auf und überlegte Beschreibung von Benetton-Werbebildern, Jahrbuch der Absatz und Verbrauchsforschung, 1: 67-89

*  de Rosa, A.S. & Kirckler E. (1998). Analyse de l’effet des messages publicitaires grâce au réseau d’associations. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, vol.13, n°1/98.

* de Rosa, A.S. & d'Ambrosio, M. (2003). An empirical example of the comparison between multiple correspondence analysis and space analysis: The diffusion of the social representations theory through the institutional context of scientific communication. In S. Levy & D. Elizur (Eds.), Facet Theory. Towards Cumulative Social Science (pp. 73-86). Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Center for Educational Development.




A selection of the major papers are indicated for each research area


* de Rosa, A.S. (1987). The social representations of mental illness in children and adults. In W. Doise & S. Moscovici (Eds.), Current issues in European Social Psychology (vol. 2, pp. 47-138). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  

* de Rosa, A.S. (1988). Il folle e la follia nelle rappresentazioni 'naives' e 'scientifiche", pp. 265-77, in Società di psichiatria democratica centro Italia (ed.), Gravità della psichiatria. Roma: Bulzoni.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1990). Immaginario e follia nelle rappresentazioni sociali di bambini e adolescenti di due paesi europei, Psicologia clinica, 3: 297-340 (in coll. with Schurmans M.N.)

* de Rosa, A.S. (1991). Idéologie médicale et non-médicale et son rapport avec les représentations sociales de la maladie mentale, pp. 235-272 in V. Aebischer, J.P., Deconchy and R. Lipiansky (eds) Idéologies et représentations sociales . Fribourg: Del Val.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1994a). "La società e il malato mentale: opinioni, atteggiamenti, stigmatizzazioni e pregiudizi", pp. 45-140, in G. Bellelli (ed.) L'altra malattia, Napoli, Liguori.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1994b). “Agenzie di socializzazione e rappresentazioni della malattia mentale in età evolutiva”, pp. 359-425, in G. Bellelli (ed.) L'Altra malattia. Napoli : Liguori

*  de Rosa A.S. (1994c). If you met a madman going down the road... The development of belief systems and social response to deviance in children and adolescents.(Se per la strada incontri un matto....Sviluppo dei sistemi di credenze e risposta sociale alla devianza in bambini e adolescenti). Rome, Melusine.

* Ayestaran, S., de Rosa, A.S., Paez, D. (1987). Representacion social, processos cognitivos y desarollo de la cognicion social, in D. Paez ed. Pensamento, individuo y sociedad. Cognicion y representacion social, Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos:16-66

* de Rosa, A.S.,  Iaculo, G. (1988). “Struttura e contenuti della rappresentazione sociale del ‘malato mentale’ in bambini, genitori ed insegnanti", Rassegna di psicologia 5 (1): 21-54.

* de Rosa, A.S.,  Schurmans M.N. (1990A). “Madness imagery across two countries”, Rassegna di psicologia 3: pp. 177-193 (in coll. with.)

* de Rosa, A.S.,  Schurmans, M.N. (1994). Dessiner la folie: apports de l'analyse d'un matériel figuratif à l'étude des représentations sociales de la maladie mentale. Education et recherche, 2: 225-246

* de Rosa, A. S.,  Bocci, E. (2006). The Iconographic Archaeology of Madness: Stability/Changing of Social Representations more than 20 years after the “Basaglia” law. 8th International Conference on Social Representations: Media and Society. Symposium_Thematic Area: Social Representations and Popularised Knowledge about Health and Medicine in Media and Society. [Proceedings, p. 327]. (Roma, 28th August – 1st September). 



* de Rosa, A.S. (1988a). 'Place-identity' et évaluation de l'environment urbain, Acts du Colloque Europeen: 'Contenu et fonctionnement de l'identité' (Aix-en-Provence, France 10-12 Mars 1988): pp. 37-46.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1988b). Rappresentazione dell'ambiente urbano e 'place-identity', in V. MAYER & R. MERAN, eds., Il Laboratorio e la città,, Milano: Guerini & Associati: vol. I: 519-527.(in coll. with Ardone RG. & Bonnes M.)

* de Rosa, A.S. (1988c). Aspetti soggettivi nella valutazione della qualità del proprio ambiente residenziale, in in V. Mayer & R. Meran, (a cura di), Il Laboratorio e la città, Milano: Guerini & Associati, vol. II : 143-148.55.(in coll. with Ardone RG. & Bonnes M.)

* de Rosa, A.S. (1990). Perceived quality of residential environment and urban green area, in Braun-Blanquetia, 3: 54-62. (in coll. with Bonnes M., Ardone R.G., Bagnasco C.)

* de Rosa, A.S. (1991a). Soddisfazione residenziale nell'ambiente urbano: un approccio 'contestuale-dinamico', Rassegna di Psicologia , 3, 49-81 (in coll. with Bonnes, M. Bonaiuto, M., Ercolani, A.P.)

* de Rosa, A.S. (1991b). Residential Satisfaction in the big city: a ‘transactional-contextual study’, in Bonnes M. (ed.) UNESCO programme on Man and the biosphere, MAB Project 11 urban ecology applied to the city of Rome, 127-148 (in coll. with Bonnes, M. Bonaiuto, M., Ercolani, A.P.)

* de Rosa, A.S. (1995). Psicologia del turismo: per una psicologia sociale dell’ambiente applicata, in B. Zani (ed.) Le dimensioni della psicologia sociale, Bologna, Il Mulino: cap. 5: 153-186

* de Rosa, A.S. (1997). Turisti di sei nazionalità per la prima volta nella 'città eterna': 'place identity' e rappresentazioni sociali di Roma e del suo centro storico . In A. Nenci (Ed.) Conoscere e rappresentare la città, ed. Cedam, Padova: 149-214.

* de Rosa, A.S., (forthcoming). Psychology of tourism: Rome through the eyes of first-visitors from six nationalities: Place-identity and Social Representations of a historical capital city. In A. S. de  Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena": the theory in contexts faced with “social demand” Routledge, New York – London.

* de Rosa, A.S. Antonelli, T.  Calogero, A. (1995). Roma immaginata e Roma vissuta nelle rappresentazioni sociali di turisti di sei nazionalità, in V. Cinanni, R. Virdi, G. Fumai (eds.) Ambiente, Salute, Cultura, Roma, Kappa ed.:1137-155

* de Rosa, A.S., Nenci, A., Testa, G. (1995). L'esperienza del quartiere di residenza nelle rappresentazioni degli abitanti: il caso di tre quartieri di Roma, in V. Cinanni, R. Virdi, G. Fumai (eds.) Ambiente, Salute, Cultura, Roma, Kappa ed.: 156-171

* Nenci, A., de Rosa, A.S., Testa, G. & Carrus, G. (2000a). Social and architectural legibility of the city. Metropolis 2000. 21st century: cities, social life and sustainable development. Which perspectives? (Paris, 4 - 7 July 2000)

* Nenci, A. M, de Rosa, A.S., Testa, G. & Carrus, G. (2003). Social and architectural legibility of the city. In G. Moser, E. Pol, Y. Bernard, M. Bonnes, J. A. Corraliza & M. V. Giuliani (Eds.), People, Places and Sustainability (pp. 25-37). Gottingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.



* de Rosa, A.S. (1996). Reality changes faster than research. National and supranational identity in Social Representations of European Community in the context of changes in International relations. In G. Breakwell & E. Lyons (Eds.), Changing European Identities. Advances in Social Psychology (pp. 381-402).Oxford: Buttherworth Heinemann. [ISBN: 0 7506 3008 6]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2000). North-South-East-West: The four points of the compass in the European Skies. A comparison of views from different latitudes in the Social Representations of young people in ten European Countries. In M. Chaib & B. Orfali (Eds) Social Representations and Communicative Processes. Jönköping, Jönköping University Press, 51-91

* de Rosa, A.S. (2001). Nord, est, ouest, sud: points cardinaux dans le ciel européen et objets de représentations sociales de jeunes Européens, Bulletin de Psychologie, tome 54 (6), 456: 701-710.

* de Rosa, A.S.  Mormino, C. (1997). Social memory, national identity and social representations: converging constructs? In G.Bellelli, (ed.) Collective Memory, Identity and Social Affectivity, Napoli: Liguori: 100-110.

* de Rosa, A.S. Mormino, C. (2000). Memoria sociale, identità nazionale e rappresentazioni sociali: construtti convergenti. Guardando all’Unione Europea e i suoi stati membri con uno sguardo verso il passato. In G. Bellelli, D. Bakhurst & A. Rosa Rivero (a cura di), Tracce. Studi sulla memoria collettiva (pp. 329-356). Napoli: Liguori. [ISBN: 88-207-3098-7]

* de Rosa, A.S. Bombi, A. S. (1999). Se sentir heureux d’être Italiens? La construction de l’identité nationale et supra-nationale dans les représentations sociales du propre pays et de celui d’autrui chez des enfants et des adolescents. In M. L. Rouquette & C. Garnier (Eds.), Etudes sur la genèse des représentations sociales (pp. 136-170). Montréal: Editions Nouvelles.

* de Rosa, A.S. Bombi, A. S. (2003). Becoming European: national and supra-national identity and social representation of one’s own and other countries and people in children aged 6-15. In M. Lavallée, S. Vincent, C. Ouellet & C. Garnier (Eds.), Les représentations sociales. Constructions nouvelles (pp. 51-82). Montréal: Groupe d'étude sur l'interdisciplinarité et les representations sociales.

* de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio M. & Cohen, E. (2005). Modeling Social Representations of European Nations and European Union: A Facet Theory Approach. In W. Bilsky & D. Elizur (Ed.), Facet Theory: Design, Analysis and Applications (pp. 49-56). Prague: Agentura Action M.

* de Rosa, A.S. d’Ambrosio, M. (2005). L’Union Européenne de 15 à 25: Représentations, projections et prévisions des jeunes étudiants de neuf nationalités un an avant l’Elargissement. Connexion, 84 (2), 129-146.[ISSN: 0337-3126 E042193]

* de Rosa, A.S. d’Ambrosio, M. (2005). Intégration ou annexion? Une étude cross-nationale sur les représentations sociales de l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne de 15 à 25. Psihologia Sociala. Buletinul Laboratorului Psicologia câmpului social, 15, 81-97. Romania: Editura Polirom, Iasi. [ISSN: 1454-5667]

* de Rosa, A.S., Bordini, I., d’Ambrosio, M. Urgeghe, M. (2007). Mosaic of Images of Europe and its Imaginary “Center of Gravity”: results from the cross-national research program EuroSKYcompass. Psihologia Sociala. Buletinul Laboratorului Psicologia câmpului social, n. 18.Romania: Editura Polirom, Iasi. [ISSN: 1454-5667]

* de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio, M. Bocci, E. (2005). EuroSKYcompass: Nation, Europe, World, Social Representations Systems In Action And Construction. Psihologia Sociala. Buletinul Laboratorului Psicologia câmpului social15, 47-81. Romania: Editura Polirom, Iasi. [ISSN: 1454-5667]

* Barrett, M., Arcuri, L., Bennett, M., Bombi, A. S., de Rosa, A.S., del Valle, A., Garagozov, R., Giménez de la Peña, A., Kacharava, T., Kipiani, G., Evanthia Lyons, Pavlenko, V., Reizábal, L., Riazanova, T., Sani, F., Valencia, J. & Vila, I. (2007). Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about the People who Belong to Different National and State Groups. In M. Barrett (Ed.), Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about the People who Belong to Different National Groups, (Chapter five, pp. 129-194). Hove and New York: Psychology Press. [ISBN10: 1-84169-301-4]

* Barrett, M., Arcuri, L. Bennett, M., Berti, A. E., Bombi, A. S., Castelli, L., de Rosa, A.S., del Valle, A., Garagozov, R., Giménez de la Peña, A., Kacharava, T., Kipiani, G., Evanthia Lyons, Pavlenko, V., Reizábal, L., Riazanova, T., Sani, F., Valencia, J. & Vila, I. (2007). The Development of Children’s Subjective Identifications with their own Nation and State. In M. Barrett (Ed.), Children’s Knowledge, Beliefs and Feelings about the People who belong to Different National Groups, (Chapter six, pp. 195-252). Hove and New York: Psycology Press. [ISBN10: 1-84169-301-4]



* de Rosa, A.S. (1998). How to sell pullovers by provoking discussion on social issues. The role of the Advertising for activating and diffusing Controversial Social Representations, in V. Rigas (ed.) S.R. and contemporary social problems. Athens, Ellinika Grammata publisher: 228-277.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1998). Représentations sociales polémiques et styles d’influence minoritaire, la communication publicitaire de Benetton. Bulletin de Psychologie, tome 51 (4), 436.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2001). The king is naked. Critical Advertisement and Fashion: the Benetton Phenomenon. In K. Deaux & G. Philogène (Eds.), Representations of the Social (pp. 48-82). Oxford: Blackwell.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2003). The Social Representations “of” and “within” the changing organizational contexts: the case of the Italian National Institute for Social Provisions and Pensions (INPS). In M. Lavallée, S. Vincent, C. Ouellet & C. Garnier (Eds.), Les représentations sociales. Constructions nouvelles (pp. 683-715). Montréal: Groupe d'étude sur l'interdisciplinarité et les representations sociales. 

* de Rosa, A.S. (2004). Giocare ad auto-battezzarsi in internet: una ricerca sulla scelta dei nicknames tra i membri di due chat lines italiane. In A. Fasulo (Ed.), Superfici del sé. Rassegna di Psicologia1, 179-224. [ISSN: 1125-5196 E141492]

* de Rosa, A.S. Losito, G. (1996a). E' bianca o nera? Interpretazioni e atteggiamenti nei confronti della comunicazione pubblicitaria Benetton, Rassegna di Psicologia, 2 : 75-116

* de Rosa, A.S. Smith, A(1997). Strategie comunicative da minoranza attiva nello scenario dei pubblicitari: il caso Benetton-Toscani. Micro & Macromarketing, n°1 :99-126.

* de Rosa, A.S. & Kirchler, E. (2001). Ambiguous Images in Advertising: An application of the Associative Network Method. In C. Roland-Levy, E. Kirchler, E. Penz & C. Gray (Eds.), Everyday Representations of the Economy (pp. 49-65). Wien: WUV / Universitatsverlag.



* de Rosa, A.S. (2004). The role of emotions in the dynamics of remembering/forgetting the collective traumatic event 9/11 2001 from September 11 to the Iraq war. Revista de Psihologia Sociala, 13, 19-43. Romania: Editura Polirom, Iasi. [ISSN: 1454-5667]

* de Rosa, A.S. (2005). O impacto das imagens e a partila social de emoções  na construçã da memória social: uma chocante memória flash de massa do 11 de setembro até a guerra do Iraque. In Celso Pereira de Sá (Ed.), Memória, Imaginário e Representações Sociais (pp. 121-164). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Editora Museu Da Republica. [ISBN: 85-85732-12-1]

* de Rosa, A.S. (forthcoming). Shocking images, emotions and mass flashbulb memory of a traumatic collective event: from September 11 to the Iraq war. In A. S. de Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena": the theory in contexts faced with “social demand” Routledge, New York – London.



* Clémence, A., Doise, W., de Rosa, A.S.  Gonzales, L. (1995). La représentation sociale des droits de l'homme: une recherche internationale sur l'étendue et les limites de l'universalité. Journal International de Psychologie, 30 (2), 181-212. [ISSN: 0020-7594 E085630]



* de Rosa, A.S. (1991). Una metodologia di analisi delle relazioni familiari. Edizione italiana del Family Relations Test (introduzione, traduzione, cura e adattamento del F.R.T., con appendice su ulteriori indicazioni sulle modalità d'uso e prospetto sintetico dei risultati relativi alla validazione sulla popolazione italiana ), Firenze, O.S.

* de Rosa, A.S. (forthcoming) Atteggiamenti emotivi e rappresentazione del sistema familiare. Validazione e innovazioni del F.R.T. in una ricerca multi-metodo sulle relazioni familiari in prospettiva trigenerazionale, Firenze, O.S



* de Rosa, A.S. (1988) Lo sviluppo della nozione di 'tempo' tra percezione e rappresentazione, M. Olivetti Belardinalli (a cura di) Comunicazioni scientifiche di psicologia generale, Roma, Bulzoni, 16: 101-130.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1993) Influenze sociali e familiari nella costruzione della prospettiva temporale. In M. Olivetti Belardinelli (ed.) Processi ritmici nella elaborazione delle informazioni, Roma: Bulzoni., 10: 141-168 (in coll. with Lo Bosco, M.).


C9. SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS AND ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY (Euro Familiarisation Processes, Risk Perception and E-Commerce, Psychology of Stock Markets)

* de Rosa, A.S.  Bocci, E. (2001). Sul potere persuasivo della  comunicazione via Internet: e-commerce e turismoIn M. Olivetti Belardinelli (ed.), Valentini Day (pp. 378-387).Roma: Edizioni Kappa.

* de Rosa, A.S.  Bocci, E. (2001). E-commerce e turismo: comprare pacchetti di viaggio su Internet o in Agenzia? In L. Greco (ed.), “Accessibilità e turismo: problemi e metodologie di analisi”(pp. 85-106).Collana di Pubblicazioni – Ricerche Università di Siena /n° 1-2001.

* de Rosa, A.S.  Bocci, E. (2002). E-branding strategies and development of the e-commerce and tourism: the case of italian tour operators. International Business & Economics Research Journal1, (10), 11-24. [ISSN: 1535-0754 E187253]

* Gioiosa, C., de Rosa, A.S. & d’Ambrosio M. (2005). Exploring the structure of Social Representations of the Euro via Facet Theory Approach and WSSA1. In W. Bilsky & D. Elizur (Ed.), Facet Theory: Design, Analysis and Applications (pp. 57-64).Prague: Agentura Action M.

* de Rosa, A.S., Gioiosa, C. (forthcoming). Moving to the Euro Currency System: familiarisation processes at the introduction of the Euro and five years later. In A. S. de Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena": the theory in contexts faced with “social demand” Routledge, New York – London.

* de Rosa, A.S., Gioiosa, C. (forthcoming). Psychology of the Stock Market in the interface between Investors and Media In A. S. de Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena": the theory in contexts faced with “social demand” Routledge, New York – London.

* de Rosa, A.S., (forthcoming). Social Representations of the Italian National Institute for Social Provisions and Pensions: an organisation in transition viewed internally and externally. In A. S. de Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena": the theory in contexts faced with “social demand” Routledge, New York – London.


C10. MATTERS RELATING TO UNIVERSITY EDUCATION and Social Representation of the discipline

* de Rosa, A.S., Zappala’, S., Dazzi, N. & Mecacci, L. (1991). Esiste un bisogno di storia in psicologia? Analisi degli atteggiamenti di studenti e docenti della disciplina prima e dopo le modifiche istituzionali del corso di laurea. Storia della psicologia e delle scienze del comportamento3, 63-102. [E161318] 

* de Rosa, A.S. (2001). Sistema di co-operazione e formazione a distanza implementato sul sito web dell’European doctoral programme on Social Representations and Communication: verso l’attivazione di una “intelligent virtual library”. In M. Olivetti Belardinelli (Ed.), Valentini Day (pp. 99-109). Roma: Edizioni Kappa.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2001). Distance Training of European doctoral training students in meta-theoretical analysis of fully-researched bibliographic corpus. Proceedings of The Wanderstudent 2000. The Wanderstudent of 1425 revived in virtual reality in 2000? Towards a European Virtual University (pp. 95-98). (Leuven, 20-21 October 2000), Leuven: Leuven University Press.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2004). An idea that became an Institution: the European Doctorate on Social Representations and Communication. Marie Curie Fellowship Association Annals, vol. III.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2004). The ‘e’ for our universities – virtual campus. Invited position paper presented at the E-Learning Consultation workshop (call for proposal DGEAC/26/04), organised by the European Commission Directorate General Education and Culture, (Brussels, 23 November 2004). [Position Paper presented as invited export]

* de Rosa, A.S., Picone, M., (2007). The European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication: Integrating Virtual and Physical Mobility via the European Ph.D. Web-Auditorium. In Boonen, A., Van Petegem, W.,(Ed.) European networking and learning for the future. Garant: Antwerp, Belgium.

* de Rosa, A.S. (forthcoming). "New Forms of International Cooperation in Doctoral Training: Internationalization and International Doctorate: One Goal, Two  Distinct Models". CEPES' Journal  "Higher Education in Europe".


Scientific Material related to Prof. Bonaiuto's Key Lecture:

*  Bonaiuto, M. and Bonnes M. (2000). Social-psychological approaches in environment-behavior studies. Identity theories and the discursive approach. In S. Wapner, J. Demick, T. Yamamoto and H. Minami (eds.) (pp. 67-78), Theoretical Perspectives in Environment-Behavior Research: Underlying Assumptions, Research Problems, and Methodologies, Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York.

* Bonnes, M. and Bonaiuto, M. (2002). Environmantal Psychology: From Spatial-Physical Environment to Sustainable Development. In A. Churchman and R. Bechtel (eds.) (pp. 28-54), The New Handbook of Environmental Psychology, Wiley, New York.

* Bonnes, M., Lee, T. and Bonaiuto, M. (2003). Psychological Theories for Environmental Issues. Ashgate, UK.

* Carrus, G., Bonaiuto, M., Bilotta, E., Ceccarelli, M. and Bonnes, M. (2006). Place identity and ecological behavior: the effect of local identification upon support for biodiversity conservation and use of fresh water resources. Paper presented at 19th IAPS Conference, Alexandria (Egypt).

* Bonaiuto, M., Bilotta, E., Bonnes, M., Carrus, G., Ceccarelli, M. and Martorella, H. (2008). Local identity moderating the role of individual differences in natural resource use: the case of water consumption, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, in press.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Galli's Key Lecture:

* Galli, I. (2003) (a cura di). Le dimensioni psicosociali della povertà. Un’analisi cross-culturale, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.

* Galli, I. (2003). La représentation de la Démocratie en Italie. In L.M. Jacob, D. Sàlàvàstru, Psihologia Socialà si noua Europà, Iasi, Polirom, pp. 181-190.

* Galli, I. (2006). La teoria delle Rappresentazioni sociali, Bologna, il Mulino.

* Galli I., Fasanelli R. (2002). Reprezentarea sociala a puterii la copii/La representation sociale du pouvoir, Buletinul Centrului de formare in analiza si interventie pentru grupurile sociale defavorizate, 2, pp. 9-17.

* Galli I., Fasanelli R. (2003). De la Première à la Seconde République: étude de l’évolution des représentations sociales de l’Etat italien et de la Démocratie, In M. Lavallée, S. Vincent, C. Ouellet, C. Garnier (eds). Les représentations sociales. Constructions nouvelles, Montreal, Geirso, pp. 138-182.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Mazzara's Key Lecture:

* Mazzara, B.M. (2006), “Il dilemma della cultura. L'insolubile antinomia tra stabilità e cambiamento”. in Psicologia sociale, n.2, pp.241-24, 2006

*  Mazzara, B.M. (2007), “Presentazione”. in B.M.Mazzara (a cura di) Prospettive di psicologia culturale. Modelli teorici e contesti di azione. Carocci, Roma, 2007, pp.11-17.

* Mazzara B.M. (2007). La natura socio-culturale della mente. Alle radici della psicologia sociale. in B.M. Mazzara (a cura di) Prospettive di psicologia culturale. Modelli teorici e contesti di azione. Carocci, Roma, pp.21-56.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Metastasio's Key Lecture:

* Metastasio R. (2002), La scatola magica. TV, bambini e socializzazione. Roma, Carocci editore.

* Metastasio R. (2007), Bambini e pubblicità, Roma, Carocci Editore.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Monacelli's Key Lecture:

* Monacelli N. (2004), Le rôle des enjeux culturels et politiques dans les representations sociales des droits de l’homme et de l’enfant dans un contexte islamique.

* Monacelli N., Molinari L., Emiliani F. (2007). Cerner les similitudes, composer avec les différences: Les droits de l’enfant en Italie et en Jordanie. Les cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 73, pp. 47-59.