To improve contacts among current and potential members of the "So.Re.Com.THEmatic NETwork" that extends across diverse disciplines and around the world, including less-favoured regions, the "So.Re.Com.THE.NET. Scientific Community Online Database" provides a list of members organized by country. Accessible on the dedicated web site, this list includes addresses and pertinent contact information for members at all levels of expertise (senior researchers, research trainees and experts from in and outside academia), areas of scientific interest and institutional affiliation.
Contacts among members of this virtual scientific community will be encouraged by organizing shared scientific events using a networking approach (interactive video-conferences via the European Ph.D. web Auditorium) as well as by facilitating direct individual contacts between scientists.
In addition, we have improved shared knowledge and accessibility to the information base by linking the contact list data base with the publications, conference presentations and dissertations included in the complete bibliographic inventory. These will also be available in the e-library in PDF format.
To recapitulate, by facilitating contacts between scientists and their work and promoting ease in the development of new co-operative research activities, this interactive web access to multiple resources (scientific literature and authors) will improve and enhance the knowledge base in the multidisciplinary field of Social Representations and Communication Studies.