European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

International Networks and Research Centres on Social Representations

International Networks on Social Representations


The SoReCom THEmatic NETwork of Excellence is a network of networks on Social Representations funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement N°116491-CP-1-2004-1-IT-ERASMUS-TN) that includes more than 100 partners in all the 27 EU countries and worldwide.

The SoReCom THEmatic NETwork has achieved the following results:

  1. to establish a ”network of networks”’ to enhance co-operation between the Euro PhD on S.R.&C. and academic, professional, international and commercial institutions throughout Europe and around the world;
  2. to conduct and disseminate research on societal issues relevant for European policies;
  3. to encourage wider application of "best practices" in developing a joint European curriculum for post-graduate students and to promote harmonisation of European masters curricula in Social Sciences via the "Tuning" approach and methodology;
  4. to produce web based multimedia tools to disseminate research of special interest to academics and professionals in the field of Social
  5. to achieve synergies with other EU programme’s goals to develop e-learning for distant teaching and tutoring and to transform the Euro PhD web site into a PORTAL. The So.Re.Com.THEmtic NETwork also further expands joint programmes producing multimedia research training materials and ODL tools and disseminates “Innovative activities” begun within the  Internationalisation program co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Scientific Research and Sapienza University of Rome  It also develops the SoReCom @-Library and videoconference Research Training @-Infrastructure on Social Sciences.

The So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork @-NEWS regularly disseminates the network’s activities both via e-mail and via web:

A new international network with the designation of RIPRES – International network of research on social representation of health, has been created linking French and Portuguese speaking researchers, under the sponsorship of Serge Moscovici.
The network will be run by two specific research centers belonging respectively to the University of Évora (Portugal) and to the University of Santa Catarina (Brasil).
The RIPRES network will benefit of the scientific orientation provided by Denise Jodelet, and coordinated by Jorge Correia Jesuino and Manuel Lopes (University of Évora) and Brigido Camargo (University of Santa Catarina).

Two international projects are  being launched. The first on the area of aging and the other on the area of mental health. In both cases the idea is to develop a global survey (etic level) followed by regionally focused researches (emic level). Colleagues interested in participating are welcome.



Centro Internacional de Pesquisa em Representação e Psicologia Social "Serge Moscovici"

The International Center for Research in Social Psychology and Social Representations "Serge Moscovici" is the result of Serge Moscovici's initiative to boost, sustain and develop research in the field of social psychology as well as the research in the field of humanities and social sciences that can interface with Social Psychology from the social representations point of view.

This Center is the logical development of the previous university exchanges experience developed under the Cooperation Programme National CAPES / PROCAD (2001-2006) between the Universities of Brasilia, the Federal University of Espirito Santo and the Federal University of Pernambuco, and of the subsequent scientific relations that were developed with other national and international institutions. Starting from the important results achieved during the previous researches, the scope of the Center is to further strengthen international cooperation and to stimulate the formation of a network of researchers in social psychology that incorporate the social representations approach in their work.

CIERS-ed (Centro Internacional de Estudos em Representações Sociais e Subjetividade-Educação).

In 2006, the Educational Research Office of Fundação Carlos Chagas created the International Center of Studies on Social Representations and Subjectivity - Education (CIERS-Ed), with the support of Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Paris (MSH), by initiative of its renowned Professor Serge Moscovici. In its organization it also counted on the advisement of the illustrious investigator Denise Jodelet.
The primary activity of the CIERS-ed is to conduct scientific investigations within the scope of Education through the study of the theory of social representations in articulation with other theoretical-methodological references, with the purpose of analyzing and reflecting on the educational processes developed in teaching institutions.

LACCOS - Laboratório de Psicologia Social da Comunicação e Cognição
Created in 1991, the laboratry is active in the areas of Social psychology, social psychology of communication and social representations. Its objectives are:

  • Scientific research on the social psychology area, addressing problems related to representational issues, socially shared knowledge, social communication and diffusion of different forms of human knowledge on the health field, body image and aging.
  • Social psychology and social representations theory teaching for graduate and post-graduate students.
  • Teaching and advice on research methods and procedures and quantitative analyses on textual data.




GEIRSO (Groupe d'étude sur l'interdisciplinarité et les représentations sociales), at the Université du Québec, Montréal (UQAM), Canada. Les objectifs poursuivis par le GEIRSO sont :

  • de comprendre les dynamiques complexes qui ont cours dans les pratiques sociales liées à la santé, à l'éducation et à l'environnement, afin d'assurer le développement de stratégies qui favorisent la production, la transformation, la circulation, la négociation et l'appropriation des savoirs scientifiques et des savoirs des communautés de pratique;
  • de développer des modèles novateurs et intégrés de recherche, de formation et de partenariat sur la question de l'interdisciplinarité en regard de problématiques complexes renvoyant à des enjeux sociaux prégnants ou émergeants, dans les champs de la santé, de l'éducation et l'environnement;
  • de consolider un réseau national et international de recherche et de formation sur l'interdisciplinarité et les représentations sociales qui favorise de nouvelles pratiques de recherche, en même temps que de nouveaux savoirs dans les divers champs d'application, à travers les échanges entre chercheurs et communautés de pratique.



Laboratoire européen de psychologie sociale (LEPS)

The European Laboratory of Social Psychology (LEPS) was created in 1976 with the Foundation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris.
It was directed by Serge Moscovici (EHESS) until 2014, and managed by Anne Laurent (MSH).

Né en mai 2014, le "Réseau Mondial Serge Moscovici" a pour vocation d’étendre et de pérenniser l’inventivité de l'œuvre de Serge Moscovici à travers la vaste communauté internationale de chercheurs qui s’appuient sur ses travaux.

S’inscrivant dans la suite directe des activités du Laboratoire Européen de Psychologie Sociale (LEPS), REMOSCO se donne comme mission de:

  • promouvoir le dialogue disciplinaire et inter-disciplinaire des différentes approches en psychologie sociale ;
  • devenir un lieu de réflexion et d’animation de la communauté internationale des représentations sociales ;
  • impulser une dynamique de travail collaborative sur projets (organisation de rencontres scientifiques, montage et soutien de projets internationaux, etc).




Yayasan Pusat Kajian Representasi Sosial (Foundation of Center for Social Representations Studies)

The Foundation of Center for Social Representations Studies intend to develop an appropriate knowledge on the studies of Social Representation covering set of concepts, statement, and explanations originating in cultural practices in daily life of people in this country to understand these endogen forces that have been ignored during the modernization process. The studies will elaborate an intensive and interdisciplinary research program in rediscovering local knowledge and develop the methodology which is suitable with that knowledge.

The Foundation of Center for Social Representations Studies will encourage the exchanges and the creation of networking studies with Asian scholars in particular, and where appropriate with the European and South American scholars.



The CeMeRS (Centro Mediterraneo per lo Studio delle Rappresentazioni Sociali), based in Naples, is the result of a protocol between the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme of Paris and the Fondazione Idis – Città della Scienza. The objective is to strengthen the scientific collaboration between the two structures, and to give an impulse to the interconnections that, in the past years, have seen the expansion of the LEPS network to several Eastern Europe countries, also thanks to team in Naples directed by prof. Ida Galli. CeMeRS activities mainly focus on:

  1. psychological studies and researches;
  2. orientation, training and higher education;
  3. dissemination of scientific culture.




RENIRS-CEMERS (Red Nacional de Investigadores en Representaciones Sociales y del Centro Mexicano para el Estudio de las Representaciones Sociales)

The project of the National Research Network on Social Representations (RENIRS) and the Mexican Center for the Study of Social Representations (CEMERS), was created with the academic and scientific support of Serge Moscovici, founder of the Social Representation Theory, internationally recognized for his theoretical contribution to Social Sciences and the foundation of a European Social Psychology, and with the enthusiasm and motivation of Denise Jodelet, always very engaged and stimulating in the Mexican academic community's activities. This project counts with the support of the Social Research Institute - iinSo, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, and is registered in the frame of the activities of the Academic Group "Sociocultural Processes and Sustainability".

The RENIRS and the CEMERS are intended to bring together the Mexican researchers interested in the process of generation, application and transmission of knowledge, with the intention of strengthening each other in their research and communication skills. Its primary mission is to promote the collective work across a national network of Mexican researchers interested in the study of social representations as an analytical tool to exam in depth the social problems that the Mexican society faces nowadays, and also in the organization of diverse academic and research activities.