European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

9th International LAB Meeting Summer Session 2007 (13th International Summer School) - Announcement



9th International LAB Meeting - Summer Session 2007

13th International Summer School

Social Representations in Action and Construction in Media and Society 

"Structural Approach to Social Representations"

at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Multimedia LAB & Research Center, Rome-Italy

From 7th to 15th July 2007


Project Summary


The European PhD on Social Representations and Communication International Lab Meetings, successor to the decade of International Summer Schools, provides an important opportunity for young researchers to obtain advanced academic and technical skills needed to conduct state-of-the-art research. Twelve ten days-long courses are organised around the theme of Social Representations in Action and Construction in Media and Society and focus on advanced practical training for 25 participants.  The first two events each year integrate virtual and face-to-face sessions, aimed at training doctoral students in meta-theoretical analysis of the literature. The following one is face-to-face intensive training courses requiring the physical mobility of participants and open to long-term dissemination via web. These events share common objectives and have a didactic structure with multiple training opportunities for critical analysis of the link between multi-media communication systems and social representations. The methods, techniques, software packages and related method theory guiding applications in research design, will provide the unifying theme for each event of the proposed advanced courses. The topics developed in the participants' research projects presented and discussed during the workshops will provide a variety of societal issues mediated and constructed via traditional and new media.  The program's originality is in its training methods, integrating face-to-face interaction (workshops, lectures, presentations) with mediated virtual interaction (Internet forum discussion, web-videoconferencing, streaming videos). Key lectures expand the horizon to other communication fields (semiotics, linguistics, sociology, mass communications, media studies etc.). The phenomena we cover (information society, new socialization and communication strategies and applications for politics, health, the environment, social minorities, gender, etc.) are clearly relevant to EU policy.

Compared  to  that  successfully  used  in  the  past  ten  years  of  the  International  Summer  Schools,  the  European   PhD  on  Social Representations and Communication International Lab Meetings will offer a slightly different formula for advanced training. The originality of this program is found in its innovative training methods, combining face to face interaction in a variety of training situations  (workshops, lectures, presentations)  with mediated  virtual  interaction  (internet  forum discussion,  web-videoconferencing, streaming  videos on the web) for training  purposes,  especially  long term dissemination  of the scientific  events.   Our intention is to continue  the International  Summer School's  tradition  of achieving  "steps forward"  by addressing  state of the art scientific  problems through valuable research training methods and innovative applications.

The formula adopted for this new series of events is even more innovative compared previous ones for the following reasons:

  • it   gives  research  trainees  a more  active  role allowing  a number  of  them  to  take  on  responsibilities  as  research  event assistants;
  • it will accept a limited number of post-doctorate  researchers  as participants,  not only doctoral  candidates.   This will allow for the improvement of cross-fertilization  of ideas and research practices between research trainees with different levels of expertise as well as providing new training opportunities for researchers who already have  4-10 years of experience at the time of the event;
  • the practical advanced training sessions (in the physical lab as well on-line) reduces the number of   participants  in each event and increases the number of events each year;
  • it  includes  complementary  sessions  aimed  at  international  research  management  training  valuable  for  researchers'  career development;
  • it promotes  post-event  forum discussions  among the participants  via web on the knowledge  acquired  during  the practical  courses and its later applications.  They can also request on-line feedback from guest experts, as consultants.



Event duration of whole series
Start date End dat
1 22/01/2005 30/01/2005
2 29/04/2005 08/05/2005
3 02/07/2005 10/07/2005
4 21/01/2006 29/01/2006
5 29/04/2006 07/05/2006
6 28/08/2006 06/09/2006
7 20/01/2007 28/01/2007
8 28/04/2007 06/05/2007
9 07/07/2007 15/07/2007
10 26/01/2008 03/02/2008
11 26/04/2008 04/05/2008
12 26/07/2008 03/08/2008


The draft  agenda  for  the  first three  sessions of  the  Advanced  Research  Training  Courses  to  be  organised  on the third year  (2007) in winter, spring and summer is as follows.



Year Session

Start date-

End date

Typology and



Advanced Research Training Objective

7 2007 Winter



Integrated On Line

and Face-to-Face


held at the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. Research Centre and  Multi-media Lab

Rome - ITALY


with multi-points connection via web auditorium

Anthropological Approach to Social Representations and Qualitative Methods.

Special training sessions will be also organized

using as didactic materials:

guidebook for the use of the European PhD. Marratech Pro. Web auditorium and the guide of conduct designed to participate in the on-line events;

the new grid aimed at the meta-theoretical analysis of the comprehensive  literature  on Social  Representations and Communication  and at building the specialized Intelligent Virtual Library on S.R. & C..

8 2007 Spring



Integrated On Line

and Face-to-Face

held at the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. Research Centre and  Multi-media Lab

Rome - ITALY


with multi-points connection via web auditorium

Experimental Designs in Investigating Social Representations and Influence Processes.

Special training sessions will be also organized

using as didactic materials:

guidebook for the use of the European PhD. Marratech Pro. Web auditorium and the guide of conduct designed to participate in the on-line events.

9 2007 Summer




held at the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. Research Centre and  Multi-media Lab

Rome - ITALY

Structural Approach to Social Representations.

The teaching staff will include internationally recognised experts in the field of communication and social Representations, most of them partners in the SoReCom Thematic Network of excellence.

Keynote speakers will be chosen from among leading scientists in various disciplines  (anthropology, sociology, social psychology, psychology of art, media studies, science communication, etc.) with different  research  traditions  in the area of communication.  The aim is not only to present state-of-the-art of research and theory from various fields, but also to stimulate the cross-fertilization of ideas in a multidisciplinary arena.

The 2007 summer session 9th International Lab Meeting (13th International Summer School), entitled  "Structural approach to Social Representations" will be held from 7th to 15th July 2007.

The Ninth meeting (the 13th edition of the International Summer Schools), unlike the two previous 2007 events (Winter and Spring sessions), will imply a face-to-face interaction among all the participants requiring international physical mobility of both professors and research trainees in order to attend the advanced training courses.

The meeting will be chaired by Prof. Annamaria Silvana de Rosa (La Sapienza University of Rome – Italy), Scientific Co-ordinator of the European Ph.D. program.

Jean Claude Abric, Pierre Verges, Christiane Guimelli (University of Aix en Provence, France), Pascal Moliner (University of Montpellier, France) among other scholars who have developed the structural approach to Social Representations have already confirmed their participation. The programme also includes practical advanced courses on Analysis of Similarity and Evoc statistical package.  Gabrielle Oettingen (University of Hamburg, Germany) will also contribute to the programme with a key lecture on "Culture and future thought" and other professors belonging to the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication programme will participate in the Final Jury of the European PhD research trainees, who will defend their thesis during a special session included in the programme.
The Key Lectures during the 2007 series of events will be in English and in  French. All the interactive sessions with the participants will be in English.

A detailed timetable of the scientific program of the three events will be published on the web site as soon as possible (

The meeting will also include:





The whole series of practical courses will involve substantial hands-on laboratory and/or field experience for the participants, who will be asked to bring their  research  data  files,  if  available. 

The  various  topics  developed  in  the  participants'  research  projects  presented  and  discussed during the workshops will provide a variety of societal issues mediated and constructed via different traditional and new media.   The methods, techniques, software packages and related method theory guiding applications in research design, will provide the unifying theme for each event of the proposed advanced training courses.

The  European  PhD  on  S.R.  &  C.  International  Lab  Meetings  will  be  led  by  qualified  academic  experts,  who  will  commit  for  the entire ten days-long  event, assisted by one or two doctoral or post-doctoral  candidate  research assistants  who are already familiar with the specific technique and software. 

The 12 sub-programmes are related to each other by:

  • common pedagogical objectives in training European PhD researchers
  • the general topic: "Social Representations in Action and Construction in Media and Society"
  • links between specific topics (the theory of the methods and their applications) around which the 12 events are organised
  • a focus on social psychology from a multidisciplinary perspective
  • a didactic structure involving different types of training sessions (empirical research methods advanced training, workshops with participants'  presentations,  keynote lectures, integrated  training sessions using the European PhD website, post-event forum discussion, streaming videos on the web, etc.)
  • integration  of  on-site  training  (face  to  face  interaction)  with  web-videoconferencing (virtual  interaction)  with  European PhD network university sites, including the Marie Curie Multi-Partner Organisation and the SoReCom Thematic network.


Target participants  include the following:

  • Doctoral research trainees enrolled in the European PhD on S.R. & C.
  • European PhD on S.R. & C.  Marie Curie Fellows.
  • A limited  number  of young  researchers  (no more than 5) with  4-10  years  of post-graduate  experience  from  organisations,  institutions,  and public or private research centres interested in the subjects (preferably  among participants in previous European PhD on Social Representations and Communication International Summer Schools or introduced by  one  of  the universities of the Socrates-Erasmus network or the European PhD Vinci network).
  • Postgraduates,  doctoral research trainees including those  not belonging  to the European PhD on S.R.   & C.  network and from outside Europe enrolled  in  national  PhD  courses  or in  team  research  programmes   (preferably  among participants in previous European PhD on Social Representations and Communication International Summer Schools or introduced by  one  of  the universities of the Socrates-Erasmus network or the European PhD Vinci network).

Priority in the selection procedure will be given to the regularly enrolled European PhD on S.R. & C.  research trainees, by taking into account that the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication International Lab Meetings is a  crucial didactic  stage  in  their  training,  for  which  10  credits  per  year  are  awarded under  the  Euro  PhD  system.   Each  young researcher has a national tutor and a foreign tutor, possibly present at least in one of the three per year European PhD on Social Representations and Communication International Lab Meetings or connected via web-auditorium.

If places will be still available, young researchers not enrolled in the Euro PhD programme will be selected. For them the European PhD on Social  Representations and  Communication  International  Lab  Meetings  provide  an  opportunity  to broaden  their  specialised knowledge in the subject area.



The  European  PhD  on  Social  Representations  and  Communication  International Lab  Meetings  deal  with  “Communication”  as  it relates  to  Social Representations, an  area  of  study  which  originated  in  and  spread  out  from Europe.   Past International  Summer Schools, particularly through their link with the European PhD, have reinforced the European origin of the research area and helped to re-establish the world wide intellectual leadership of European Social Psychology.   The European PhD on Social Representations and Communication  is now well established  as a permanent  European forum for disseminating  state of the art research in this area. Continuation  of the Euro  PhD Summer  School  experience  in future  years  is crucial  if Europe  is to maintain  its role  as the leading “voice”  in  what  has  now become  a multilingual  worldwide  research  field  which  is  closely  tied  to  social policy-making  processes including  immigration  and  minority  groups,  quality  of life,  health,  environment,  and   information  technology . There  is  also European added value in  training researchers who can pool the knowledge gained from academic research and expertise acquired by the  private  sector  and  political institutions  to  conduct  future  comparative  studies  in  social  sciences  in  areas of importance  for  EU citizens. Continuing  to  offer  these  advantages,  now  via  the European  PhD  on  Social  Representations  and  Communication International  Lab Meetings  that  have  a consistent  ethos  and format  (didactic  and administrative structure,  monitoring  system)  will help  to  set  and  maintain  European  standards  for  both  research  and  teaching.   In  this  respect  the  European  PhD  on  Social Representations  and  Communication  International  Lab  Meetings  will  be  yet  another  step  towards  the  construction  of  a  "Virtual University of Europe".





The eligible candidates may apply for MSCF-CT-2004-013264 funding (including scientific participation fees, travel expenses at the lowest fare, accommodation and lunches according to the arrangement provided by the organiser). Eligible applicants are:

  • research trainee enrolled in the European  Doctorate on Social Representations and Communication
  • new candidate of the European Doctorate on Social Representations and Communication for 2007/2008 with no more than 4 years of research activity, since gaining a University Degree giving access to doctoral studies
  • potential candidate of other doctoral program in Social Sciences with no more than 4 years of research activity, since gaining a University Degree giving access to doctoral studies or as doctoral research trainees who had not yet obtained a doctoral degree 
  • Experienced Participant with at least 4 years and less than 10 years of Research Experience - since gaining a University Degree giving access to doctoral studies (no more than 5 experienced participants will be admited, free of charge)

Those who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria, - if admitted – are requested to pay the amount of 1000 Euro for the scientific participation fee (not including travel, accommodation, and living expenses) as soon they receive the letter of acceptance. The deadline and method of payment will be communicated with the letter of acceptance