European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

10th International Lab Meeting – Winter Session 2008 Participants Presentations


10th International Lab Meeting – Winter Session 2008

of the

European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication


Social Representations

in action and construction in Media and Society




"Developing Meta-Theoretical approach to Social Representations Literature:
the Contribution of Italian scholars belonging to
the So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork"

 at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Research Center and

Multimedia LAB, d’Ara Coeli 1, Rome-Italy


January 26th - February 3rd, 2008


Social Representations of Nationality
The case of the Czech Republic and Austria
Dr. Sylvie Kourilova
Masaryk University of Brno
(Czech Republic)

1- Of mice and masters. Survey of social and professional representations of ICT for teachers in French elementary schools.


2- Presentation of Crefi-T of Toulouse

Dr. Stéphanie Netto
University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail

Resignification des Représentations Sociales dans des Processus d’Enseignement

Dr. Néstor Pievi
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Social Representations vs. Social
Dr. Ana Maria Tepordei
“Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi