European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Dissemination at conferences by the project coordinator


  1. Giornata dipartimentale P.P.S.S. Sapienza Università di Roma “Psicologia tra ricerca e territorio: 30 anni di attività del dipartimento”(Roma, 17th – 18th October 2013)
  2. The Open and Flexible Higher Education EADTU Conference 2013 “Transition to open and on-line education in European universities" (Paris 24th – 25th October 2013), presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled Complementary on-line and face-to-face structured training activities in a joint networked international doctorate
  3. 9th European Congress of Community Psychology (Naples, 6th – 9th November 2013), presentation by de Rosa, A.S., Bocci, E. entitled Polemical representations in action in two social movements (No-TAV and Occupy Wall Street): Social Change, Political Arena and Controversial Relation Citizens-Community-Institutions
  4. ExEDE Project Conference Excellence in European Doctoral Education: Innovation and Enhancement(Edinburgh, 27th – 28th November 2013), presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The European/International Joint Doctorate in Social Representations and Communication: an innovative doctoral programme in a networked international research training environment
  5. EUA CDE 7th Thematic Workshop Outcomes of Doctoral Education – Mindset, Research, Innovation (Hosted by Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey; 23-24 January 2014), key lecture by de Rosa, A.S. entitled Article, Book format, or both? Shared criteria adopted for the double doctoral thesis format and language in a European/International joint networked Ph.D. program
  6. The 23rd European/International Joint PhD International Lab Meeting-Winter Session 2014 (Rome, 14th – 15th January 2014), presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled Advanced Guidelines for the Meta-Theoretical Analysis of the Literature on Social Representations: Presentation of the new grid and tools State of the Art of the SoReCom 
"A.S. de Rosa" @-Library
  7. Workshop Knowledge, diversity and performance in European higher education. Evaluation and rankings in a changing landscape(Sapienza University of Rome; 12th February 2014).
  8. Workshop E-Learning alla Sapienza (Rome, 18th February 2014)
  9. Workshop Erasmus+ e le nuove azioni di mobilità (Rome, 27th February 2014)
  10. INTED 2014 – 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Valencia; 10th - 12th March 2014), presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The So.Re.Com. “A.S. de Rosa” @-Library: A Multi-Purpose Web-Platform in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Representations and Communication
  11. Conference "La ferita aperta: gli anni di piombo tra memoria e oblio” (Rome, 3 June 2014)
  12. Conference on “Changing Population: Migration, Reproduction and Identity” (University of Trento, 3-4 June 2014)
  13. 7th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting “Doctoral Education: Thinking globally, acting locally” hosted by the University of Liverpool (Liverpool, 19-20 June 2014)
  14. Presentation of the Sapienza Department of Psychology P.P.S.S. n°38 didactic offer for a.y. 2014-2015 “Open Day Studenti 2014” (Rome, 1st July 2014)
  15. 2014 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology ”Ideologies and Ideological Conflicts: The Political Psychology of Beliefs Systems” (Rome, 4-7 July 2014), presentations by de Rosa, A.S., Bocci, E. entitled No-TAV movement on the streets and in the social networks: Polemical representations about environmental issue and de Rosa, A.S., Bocci, E., Wang, H. entitled Putting finance “under accusation” by Occupy Wall Street from the US to Europe and China
  16. 12th International Conference on Social Representations “The challenges of Contemporaneity” (Sao Paulo, Brazil – 20-23 July 2014) numerous presentations by de Rosa, A.S., among which one closely related to the SoReCom Joint-IDP research focus, entitled The “Impact of the Impact”: Geo-Mapping The Social Representations Theory Facing The Global Dissemination Challenge in the Bibliometric Culture Era
  17. 5th UNICA PhD Master Class by de Rosa, A.S. “Linking Master with PhD: success factors for effective preparation of students for PhD candidacy” hosted by the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies University of Zagreb (Dubrovnik, 31 August - 3 September 2014)
  18. Round Table on the Contribution of the Framework Programmes (FP) to the development of Human Research Capacity commissioned by the European Commission to IDEA Consult and its partners (iFQ and PPMI) (Brussel, 18 September 2014)
  19. Seminar Consumer Insight: News From Neuroscience (Sapienza University, 1 October 2014)
  20. Seminar Sapienza Player dell’evoluzione digitale: come il Cloud sta cambiando il modo di lavorare e le competenze delle nuove generazioni (Sapienza University, 23 October 2014)
  21. Conference #bDf4data - Better Decisions for Open & Big Data (Rome, 12 November 2014)
  22. EUA Focus Group 1 “Open Science and Open Education – Doctoral education: The shape of things to come” (EUA Offices, Brussels. 13 November 2014)
  23. ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) International Workshop La valutazione della ricerca nelle ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ (Rome, 17 November 2014)
  24. INTERDOC 2014 Conference on “International, Intersectorial, and Interdisciplinary: the triple "i" approach to doctoral training”, organized by the MIUR in collaboration with the ’Università of Padova, the Università of Camerino and the European University Association. (Padova, 19-21 November 2014), presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication: a triple “I” (international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral) networked joint doctorate, invited speaker at Internationalisation in doctoral training: collaborative projects, co-tutelle, joint doctorates”
  25. 7th UNICA Scholarly Communication Seminar Visibility, Visibility, Visibility (Sapienza University, 27-28 November 2014)
  26. Sessione Informativa "Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees" (Sapienza University of Rome, 5 December 2014)
  27. Seminar at the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Canada, 11 December 2014) by de Rosa, A.S. entitled  The European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication: a triple “I” (international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral) networked joint doctorate
  28. Seminar organized by Sapienza University of Rome and Elsevier B.V. on How to Write a Great Research Paper, and Get it Accepted by a Good Journal (Rome, 17 December 2015)
  29. Workshop on Efficiency, Effectiveness and Impact of Research and Innovation (Sapienza University of Rome, 20 February 2015)
  30. INTED 2015 – 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Madrid; 2nd -  4th March 2015) presentations by de Rosa, A.S. entitled 
    a) The European/International Joint Phd In Social Representations and Communication: a Pioneer Case of Triple “I” (International, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral) Networked Joint Doctorate
    b) The Use of Big-Data and Meta-Data from the So.Re.Com A.S. de Rosa @-Library for Geo-Mapping the Social Representation Theory’s Diffusion over the World and its Bibliometric Impact
  31. Celebrations of the 10 years of the Doctoral School of Camerino University: 10 years of UNICAM SAS (Camerino, 12 March 2015)presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication:a triple “I” networked joint doctorate
  32. 2nd International Conference on Development in Doctoral Education and Training (Oxford, UK, 30th - 31st March 2015), presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication: a triple “I” networked joint doctorate
  33. International conference organized by the Institute of Psychology of University of Pécs, in the framework of Cost Action IS1205 “Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union”(University of Pécs, Hungary, 9-10th April 2015)
  34. International Conference “Future of the Doctorate” (Riga, Latvia – 28-29 May 2015) presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication: a pioneering institutional experience of triple “I” (international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral) networked joint doctorate
  35. International Summit of the Division 35 of the American Psychological Association “From International to Transnational: Transforming the Psychology of Women” (Toronto, Canada  - August 4-5, 2015) presentation by de Rosa, A.S., Negura, L. Dryjanska, L. entitled Women in Sciences: Enhancing their International Training and Career Prospects through an Innovative Networked triple “I” Doctoral Program (the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication)
  36. 2015 IAREP – SABE - ICABEEP JOINT CONFERENCE "PSYCHOLOGY and ECONOMICS: together for a better life” (Sibiu, Romania - September 3-6, 2015) presentation by de Rosa, A.S., Dryjanska, L., Panzaru, M. entitled The Worldwide Diffusion of the Social Representations Theory in the Thematic Field of “Economics, Advertising, Marketing and Organisational Context”
  37. National Congress of the "Social Psychology" Section of AIP-Italian Association of Psychology (Palermo, Italy - 17-19 September 2015) paper by de Rosa, A.S., Dryjanska, L. Bocci, L. entitled Chi lavora con chi, su che cosa e dove? Network analisi e Geo-Mapping delle collaborazioni  inter-istituzionali tra ricercatori in diversi paesi e continenti per una epidemiologia  della produzione scientifica sulle rappresentazioni sociali nel mondo
  38. FRINDOC Launch Event (Framework for the Internationalisation of Doctoral Education) “International Doctoral Education – the role of institutions” (London, UK - 24-25 September 2015)
  39. Study Visit at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Campus Iztapalpa, Mexico City, 27 October 2015
  40. Keynote speaker at the III RENIRS Coloquio Nacional de Investigacion en Representaciones Sociales (Xalapa, Mexico – 28-29 of October 2015), with a joint presentation with Arhiri, L. & Dryjanska, L. entitled El desarrollo y difusión de la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales desde un Enfoque Paradigmático Antropológico 
  41. Intensive Training Session at Universidad Veracruzana Elementi di base della tecnica “trama associativa” paper based e sviluppi web-based, Xalapa Veracruz, (30 October 2015), Mexico.
  42. IX Jornada Internacional sobre Representações Sociais - JIRS & VII Conferência Brasileira sobre Representações Sociais – CBRS (Teresina – Brazil, 24-27 November 2015), poster by de Rosa. A.S., Dryjanska, L. Bocci, L. entitled Geo-Mapping the Global Dissemination of the Social Representations Theory: Paradigmatic, Geo-cultural and Thematic Foci
  43. Interdisciplinary and intersectorial Round Table on La Stampa Italiana E Il Fiscal Compact with Proff. Mario Morcellini, Giovanna Leone, Bruno Mazzara, Fulvio Fammoni (Fondazione Giuseppe DiVittorio), Claudio Gnesutta and the journalists Marco Mele (Sole 24), Eugenio Fatigante (Avvenire), Marco Fratini (Tg LA7) (Rome - Faculty of Political Science, Sociology and Communication Department CoRiS,  9th December 2015)
  44. Sapienza University PhD Welcome day "Giornata di benvenuto ai dottorandi del XXXI ciclo" (Rome, 2 March 2016)
  45. INTED 2016 – 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (Valencia; 7th - 8th March 2016) presentations by de Rosa, A.S. entitled The Role of Academic Social Networking in the Dissemination of the Social Representations Literature and Article, Book Format, or Both? Shared Criteria Adopted for the Double Doctoral Thesis Format and Language in a European/International Joint Networked PhD Program
  46. 9th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting Doctoral Education: a dilemma of quality and quantity?hosted by the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona, 16-17 June 2016) presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled Mission, objectives and recent initiatives from Sapienza-CDE. Some notes on Career Development Plan as a strategic tool for timeline management "within" and "beyond" the doctorate
  47. ISPP 2016 Annual Meeting "The Good Society: Prospects for Reason, Communication, and Well-being" (Warsaw, 13-16 July 2016) presentations by de Rosa, A.S. and Berardi, F. entitled What is known in the process of knowing? Exploring the global dissemination of the Social Representations Theory and What works, when works? Exploring the current state about method biases in Social Representations and Politics literature
  48. 13th International Conference on Social Representations (Marseille, 14-17 September 2016) presentations by de Rosa, A.S. during the Round Tables “Serge Moscovici’s Power of Thinking” and “Serge Moscovici’s supra-disciplinary power of thinking
  49. XIV Congresso nazionale dell’AIP (Naples, 22-24 September 2016) presentations by de Rosa, A.S. during the Symposiums “Per un’analisi meta-teorica della produzione scientifica sulle rappresentazioni sociali nel mondo: Approcci paradigmatici, ancoraggi geo-culturali e orientamenti tematici” and “Le rappresentazioni del sociale
  50. EADTU Conference “Enhancing European Higher Education; 'opportunities and impact of new modes of teaching” (Rome, 19-21 October 2016) presentation by de Rosa, A.S., Ramazanova, A. & Dryjanska, L. entitled Cultural dynamics of Education, Science and Social Representations in the worldwide research landscape and contemporary media scenario
  51. II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Científica Española de Psicología Social y XIII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social (Elche, 20-22 October 2016) presentation by de Rosa, A.A., Miguel Aguilar, C.F. Dryjanska, L. & Sarrica, M. entitled Health & Community: Meta-theoretical Analysis of the literature inspired by the Social Representations Theory
  52. ICERI 9th Annual International Conference of Education (Seville, 14-16 November 2016) presentation by Ramazanova, A., de Rosa, A.S., Dryjanska, L. & Latini, M. entitled Social Representation Faced to Science and Technological Development, its Regulatory Policies and Impact on Education
  53. EASP small group meeting “Tribute to Serge Moscovici” organized with the support of the Paris IAS, the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), and REMOSCO-FMSH (Paris, 17-18 November 2016)
  54. 2017 International Conference on Narrative (Lexington, 23-26 March 2017) presentation by de Rosa, A.S., Kukharava, M., Dryjanska, L. & Bocci, E. entitled Genesis and development of narrative paradigmatic approach in Social Representations Theory
  55. Colloque international en hommage à Serge Moscovici (Paris, 16-17 March 2017) presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled For a biography of a theory: from Serge Moscovici’s visionary mind to the worldwide dissemination of the social representation theory and its impact within and beyond social psychology
  56. 3rd International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training (Stratfor-upon-Avon, 3-4 April 2017) presentation by de Rosa, A.S. entitled Innovative doctorates: a must for the policy agenda of the European Research and Higher Education Areas (ERA-EHEA)
  57. EASP General Meeting (Granada, 5-8 July 2017) presentation by Forte, T., de Rosa, A.S., & Dryjanska, L. entitled Research Paths in Latin America: the role of Social Representations theory