European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Dissemination at events by the ESRs

Participation of the ESRs in complementary training and scientific events external to the European/International Joint IDP in Social Representations and Communication Research Centre and Multimedia Lab:


I. at the main host Institution Sapienza University

  1. Participation of all ESRs to the Sessione Informativa "Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees" at Sapienza University of Rome (5 December 2014)
  2. Participation of ESRs Filomena Berardi, Borja De Madaria Escudero, Maryia Kukharava, Agnese Pastorino and Aminat Ramazanova to the Information Day "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) 2015" at Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, 2 July 2015)


II. at the SoReCom Joint-IDP network partner Institutions

  1. Lecture by ESR Aminat Ramazanova on System of Education in Russia at Tianjin University of Technology and Education (Tianjin, 13 October 2015).
  2. Lecture by ESR Aminat Ramazanova on How to write an article and publish it in a peer-reviewed journal at Tianjin University of Technology and Education (Tianjin, 13 October 2015).
  3. Participation of ESR Ioana Guraliuc in a release of the book “Psihologia Riscului” (Risk Psychology), a volume coordinated by prof. dr. Corneliu Havârneanu and dr. Grigore Havârneanu (Iasi, October 2015)
  4. Active participation of ESR Ioana Guraliuc with a paper at the 6th International Conference on Applied Psychology “Prolific Intersections between theory and practice” (Iasi, 23-24 October 2015) by de Rosa, A.S., Guraliuc, I., Dryjanska, L. entitled Do Social Representations orient Practices or Practices orient Social Representations? The Relevance of Applied Societal Dimension In The Structural Approach to Social Representations
  5. Lecture by ESR Ana Tomicic on Mapping the impact and dissemination of the social representation theory across different geo-cultural contexts: “Europe”, the theory’s homeland (Université de Genève, 11 November 2015)
  6. Lecture by ESR Ana Tomicic on The Brown-bag meetings team debunks three myths about Anthropology (Université de Genève, 11 November 2015)
  7. Seminar held by ESR Teresa Forte on Apresentação do Doutorado Europeu / Internacional em Representações Sociais e comunicação e sua relação com LACCOS UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 18 November 2015) (English Version)


III. at other Institutions outside the SoReCom Joint-IDP

  1. Active participation of ESR Maryia Kukharava to the Launch conference of REALIZE IT 4 (Berlin, 4-7 September 2014) with a presentation entitled “The So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP and the European/International Joint Ph.D. in Social Representations and Communication: an international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral incubator for new generations of young researchers”.
  2. Active participation of ESR Aminat Ramazanova to the Conference EU-Russia Researchers’ Mobility Forum (Brussels, 25 September 2014) with a presentation entitled “The So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP and the European/International Joint Ph.D. in Social Representations and Communication: an international, interdisciplinary, intersectoral incubator for new generations of young researchers”.
  3. Participation of ESR Filomena Berardi to the International Multidisciplinary Conference “Seeing beyond in facing death at the University of Padua (September 25-27, 2014)
  4. Participation of ESR Agnese Pastorino to the Conference #bDf4data - Better Decisions for Open & Big Data (Rome, 12 November 2014)
  5. Participation of ESR Borja De Madaria Escudero to the Seminar organized by Sapienza University of Rome and Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) on Le Grandi Sfide Urbane: Cambiamenti Climatici e Qualità Ambientale (Rome, 31 March 2015)
  6. Participation of ESR Filomena Berardi to the COST Conference organized by the University of Pcs (Hungary) on Social representations of history: Social psychological and historical approaches to their antecedents, evolution, and role in influencing identities and intergroup relations (Pecs, 9-10 April 2015)
  7. Participation of ESR Borja De Madaria Escudero to the Seminar on GIOVANI, ARTE E CITTÀ: attività estetiche e reXistenze creative (Rome, 4 June 2015)
  8. Active participation of ESR Gabriela Monica Panzaru with a paper to the 2015 IAREP – SABE JOINT CONFERENCE (Sibiu, Romania, 3-6 September 2015) by de Rosa, A.S., Dryjanska, L., Panzaru, M. entitled The Worldwide Diffusion of the Social Representations Theory in the Thematic Field of “Economics, Advertising, Marketing and Organisational Context
  9. Participation of ESR Ana Tomicic to the COST Action IS2015 Summer School "Confronting Collective Historical Memory and Emotion” (Split, Croatia, 7-12 September 2015)
  10. Joint Team Presentation with a presentation at the Congresso Nazionale A.I.P. della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale (Palermo, 17-19 September 2015) entitled Chi lavora con chi, su che cosa e dove? Network analisi e Geo-Mapping delle collaborazioni inter-istituzionali tra ricercatori in diversi paesi e continenti per una epidemiologia della produzione scientifica sulle rappresentazioni sociali nel mondo
  11. Participation of ESR Aminat Ramazanova to the 18th National Academic Congress of Psychology at Tianjin Normal University (Tianjin, 16-18 October 2015).
  12. Participation of ESR Carlos Filiberto Miguel Aguilar to the conference on “Open access: Research, Publish and Share” organized by the Argentine Center of Scientific and Technological Information and the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (Buenos Aires, 22-23 October 2015)
  13. Active participation of ESR Laura Arhiri with a paper at the III RENIRS Coloquio Nacional de Investigacion en Representaciones Sociales (Xalapa, Mexico – 28-29 October 2015) by de Rosa, A.S., Arhiri, L., Dryjanska, L. entitled El desarrollo y difusión de la Teoria de las Representaciones Sociales desde un Enfoque Paradigmático Antropológico
  14. Participation of ESR Carlos Filiberto Miguel Aguilar to the conference Bengt Lindström, SALUTOGÉNESIS: Una aproximación a la salud basada en activos sociales (FLACSO Argentina, 3 November 2015)
  15. Active participation of ESR Teresa Forte with a poster at the IX Jornada Internacional sobre Representações Sociais - JIRS & VII Conferência Brasileira sobre Representações Sociais – CBRS (Teresina - Brazil, 24-27 November 2015) by de Rosa, A.S., Dryjanska, L., Forte, T. entitled Geo-mapping the evolution of the social representations theory: the Latin America scenario
  16. Joint Team Presentation with a poster at the IX Jornada Internacional sobre Representações Sociais - JIRS & VII Conferência Brasileira sobre Representações Sociais – CBRS (Teresina - Brazil, 24-27 November 2015) entitled Geo-Mapping the Global Dissemination of the Social Representations Theory: Geo-cultural Focus
  17. Participation of ESR Carlos Filiberto Miguel Aguilar to the II Congreso Internacional de investigación y practica profesional en psicogía, XXII Jornada de investigación y XI Encuentro de investigadores en psicología del MERCOSUR (Buenos Aires, 25-28 November 2015)
  18. Participation of ESR Aminat Ramazanova to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Forum 2016: Where business and research talent meet (Brussels, 29 June 2016)
  19. Active Participation of ESR Filomena Berardi to the ISPP 2016 Annual Meeting "The Good Society: Prospects for Reason, Communication, and Well-being" (Warsaw, 13-16 July 2016) with the presentations entitled: What is known in the process of knowing? Exploring the global dissemination of the Social Representations Theory and What works, when works? Exploring the current state about method biases in Social Representations and Politics literature
  20. Active Participation of ESR Marija Adela Gjorgjioska to the UACES 46th Annual Conference (London, 5-7 September 2016) with the following presentation: Social Representations of Refugees: Objects, Anchors and Positions of the Left in SEE
  21. Joint Team Presentation by 11 ESRs at the 13th International Conference on Social Representations (Marseille, 14-17 September 2016) with the presentations entitled:
    - The attractiveness of the social representation theory for various disciplinary, thematic domains and topics characterized by differently shared Social Representations
    - The generativity of the social representation theory for multiple paradigmatic approaches along different decades and across various geo-cultural contexts-continents
  22. Active participation of 6 ESRs at the XIV Congresso nazionale dell’AIP (Naples, 22-24 September 2016)
    - Mihaela-Alexandra GhermanThe impact and dissemination of the social representation theory across the new emerging scenarios
    - Teresa ForteGeo-mapping Social Representations theory dynamics in Latin America: The Brazilian case
    - Laura ArhiriThe development and dissemination of the Social Representations Theory within the Anthropological Paradigmatic Approach
    - Aminat RamazanovaSocial Representations of Science: Looking at the literature through the lens of a meta-theoretical perspective
    - Borja De MadariaEnvironmental Trends in Social Representations: Exploring the dissemination of the Social Representations Theory in the thematic field of “Environment”
    - Monica Gabriela PanzaruWhat is the literature of Social Representations of Economy saying about the major economic events? A meta-theoretical perspective
  23. Participation of ESR Teresa Forte to the one-day Symposium Latin American Studies: A Model of Indiscipline? (University of Cambridge, 1 October 2016)
  24. Active Participation of ESR Aminat Ramazanova to the EADTU 2016 Conference (Rome, 19-21 October 2016) with the following presentation: Cultural dynamics of Education, Science and Social Representations in the worldwide research landscape and contemporary media scenario
  25. Active Participation of ESR Carlos Filiberto Miguel Aguilar to the II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Científica Española de Psicología Social y XIII Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social (Elche, 20-22 October 2016) with the following presentation: Health & Community: Meta-theoretical Analysis of the literature inspired by the Social Representations Theory
  26. Active Participation of ESR Agnese Pastorino to the Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication (Kobe, 27-29 October 2016) with the following presentation Social Representations of Online Audiovisual Risks for Children in European Parliamentary Debates
  27. Participation of ESR Agnese Pastorino to the 6th European Communication Conference (Prague, 9-12 November 2016)
  28. Active online Participation of ESR Aminat Ramazanova to the ICERI 9th Annual International Conference of Education (Seville, 14-16 November 2016) with the following presentation Social Representation Faced to Science and Technological Development, its Regulatory Policies and Impact on Education
  29. Participation of ESR Ana Tomicic to the workshop Basic statistics, understanding and analysing data (Edinburgh, 15-16 November 2016)
  30. Participation of ESRs Maryia Kukharava, Aminat Ramazanova, Borja De Madaria and Carlos Filiberto Miguel Aguilar to the EASP “Tribute to Serge Moscovici” (Paris, 17-18 November 2016). ESR Agnese Pastorino participated to this event on Friday 18 during the afternoon session open to the public
  31. Active Participation of ESR Mayia Kukharava to the 2017 International Conference on Narrative (Lexington, 23-26 March 2017) with the following presentation: Genesis and development of narrative paradigmatic approach in Social Representations Theory
  32. Active Participation of ESR Ana Tomicic to the ICSSH Conference "Changing the World: Challenges, Opportunities and Responsibilities" (Skopje, 12-14 May 2017) with the following presentation: “Value For Money?” - Perspectives from the Social Sciences on the Impact of a Market-Driven Academia
  33. Active Participation of ESR Agnese Pastorino to the 67th ICA Annual Conference (San Diego, 25-29 May 2017) with the following presentation: The influence of scientific knowledge in the policymaking process about children protection towards online audiovisual contents
  34. Active Participation of ESRs Teresa Forte and Marija Adela Gjorgjioska to the ISPP Annual Meeting (Edimburgh, 29 June - 2 July 2017) with the following presentation: Ideological Communication meets the Refugees Crisis: A study of discourses in a transit country?
  35. Active Participation of ESR Teresa Forte to the EASP General Meeting (Granada, 5-8 July 2017) with the following presentation: Research Paths in Latin America: the role of Social Representations theory