European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

11th International Lab Meeting - Spring Session 2008 Scientific Material


Selection of Scientific Material related to the Key Lectures



Scientific Material related to Prof. de Rosa's Key Lecture:

* de Rosa, A.S. (2001). Nord, est, ouest, sud: points cardinaux dans le ciel européen et objets de représentations sociales de jeunes Européens, Bulletin de Psychologie, tome 54 (6), 456: 701-710.

* de Rosa, A.S. (2000). North-South-East-West: The four points of the compass in the European Skies. A comparison of views from different latitudes in the Social Representations of young people in ten European Countries. In M. Chaib & B. Orfali (Eds) Social Representations and Communicative Processes. Jönköping, Jönköping University Press, 51-91.

* de Rosa, A.S. (1996). Reality Changes Faster than Research: National and Supranational Identity in Social Representations of the European Community in the Context of Changes in International Relations. In Breakwell, G.M., Lyons, E. (Eds.) Changing European Identities: social psychological analyses of social change. (pp. 381-402). Oxford, U.K., Butterworth-Heinemann. (ISBN 0-7506-3008-6)

* de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio, M., Cohen, E. (2005). Modeling Social Representations of European Nations and European Union: A Facet Theory Approach. In S.Levy, D.Elizur (Ed.) Facet Theory, Prague, Reprostedisko UKMFF: 57-64: 49-56.

* de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio, M. (2005). L’Union Européenne de 15 à 25: Représentations, projections et prévisions des jeunes étudiants de neuf nationalités un an avant l’Elargissement. In Connexion, 84 (2): 129-146.

* de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio, M., Bocci, E. (2005). EuroSKYcompass: Nation, Europe, World, Social Representations Systems In Action And Construction. In Psicologia Sociala. Buletinul Laboratorului 2 Psicologia campului social, 15: 47-80.

* de Rosa, A.S., Mormino, C. (2002). Au confluent de la mémoire sociale: étude sur l’identité nationale et européenne. In LAURENS S., ROUSSIAU N. (eds.) La mémoire sociale. Identités et Représentations Sociales, Les Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), Rennes: 119-137.

* de Rosa, A.S., Mormino, C. (2000). Memoria sociale, identità nazionale e rappresentazioni sociali: con strutti convergenti. Guardando all’Unione Europea e i suoi stati membri con uno sguardo verso il passato. In G. Bellelli, D. Bakhurst, A. Rosa Rivero, a cura di, Tracce. Studi sulla memoria collettiva, Napoli, Liguori: 329-356.

* de Rosa, A.S., Mormino, C. (1997). Social memory, national identity and social representations: converging constructs? G. Belelli, (ed.) Collective Memory, Identity and Social Affectivity, Napoli. Liguori: 100-110. 


Scientific Material related to Prof. Jodelet's Key Lecture:

* Jodelet, D. (2007). Imaginaires érotiques de l’hygiène féminine intime. Approche anthropologique. Connexions 2007/1, n° 87, p. 105-127.

* Jodelet, D. (2006). Cultures et pratiques de santé. Nouvelle revue de
psychosociologie 2006/1, n°1, p. 219-239

* Jodelet, D. (2002). Les représentations sociales dans le champ de la culture. Information sur les Sciences Sociales, 41.1, p. 111-133

* Geertz, C. (1973). Thick description: Towards an interpretive theory of culture. In C. Geertz, Interpretations of Culture. New York: Basic Books.

* Reicher, S., & Hopkins, N. (2001).  Self and nation.  London: Sage.

* Schuman, H. & Scott, J. (1989).  Generations and collective memories.  American Sociological Review, 54(3), 359-381.

* Schwartz, B. (1996).  Memory as a cultural system: Abraham Lincoln in World War II.  American Sociological Review, 61(5), 908-927.

* Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., & Seifert, F. (2002).  Collective symbolic coping with new technology: Knowledge, images and public discourse. British Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 323-343.

* Yang, K.-S. (2000). Monocultural and cross-cultural indigenous approaches: The royal road to the development of a balanced global psychology (pp. 241-264).  Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 2000, Volume 3, No. 3 Special issue on Indigenous, cultural and cross-cultural psychologies. 


Scientific Material related to Prof. Butsch's Key Lecture:

* Butsch, R. (2007). A TV in Every Home: Television "Effects". In Butsch, R. (Ed.), Making of American Audiences: From Stage to Television, 1750-1990. Cambridge University Press, p. 252-266 (ISBN-13: 9780521664837)

* Butsch, R. (2005). Five Decades and Three Hundred Sitcoms about Class and Gender. In Edgerton, G., and Rose, B. (Eds.) Thinking Outside the Box: Television Genres in TransitionUniversity of Kentucky Press, p. 111-135.

* Bustch, R. (2003). Ralph, Fred, Archie and Homer: Why television keeps recreating the white male working class buffoon. In Dines, G. and Humez, J. (eds.) .Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Text-Reader. Sage, 2nd edition, p. 575-585.

* Jhally, S. and Lewis, J. (1992). Enlightened Racism: The Cosby Show, Audiences, and the Myth of the American Dream. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Zavalloni's Key Lecture:

* Zavalloni, M. (2007). Analyse psycho-contextuelle et Investigateur Multistade de l'Identité Sociale. In Zavalloni, M., Ego-écologie et Identité: une approche naturaliste, PUF, Paris, p. 35-74 (ISBN: 978-2-13-055857-6)

* Zavalloni, M. (2007). L'Investigateur Multistade de l'Identité Sociale (IMIS version 2). In Zavalloni, M., Ego-écologie et Identité: une approche naturaliste, PUF, Paris, p. 197-208 (ISBN: 978-2-13-055857-6)

* Zavalloni, M. (2001). Identity, Language and Representations: A Natural System at Work. In Deaux, K. & Philogene, G. (Eds.) Representations of the Social: Bridging Theoretical Traditions (Chap. 21). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Book.


Scientific Material related to Prof. Raud's Key Lecture:

* Raud, R. (2004). Identity, Difference and Cultural Worlds. In Lotman, Mihhail (Eds.), Kultuuri maailmad (84-103). Tallinn: Eesti Humanitaarinstituut

* Raud, R. (2002). Objects and Events: linguistic and philosophical notions of ‘thingness’. Asian Philosophy, 12, p. 97-108

* Raud, R. (1998). Cultural identity and cultural conflict. In Dvarionas, M. (Eds.), Kulturinis pliuralizmas ir taikos kultura: tarptautine konferencija: Vilnius: Lithuanian National Commision for UNESCO, 1998