European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Summer School 2010 - Scientific Materials


16th International Lab Meeting - Summer Session 2010
16th International Summer School on Social Representations and Communication

of the

European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication

"Social Representations and Sciences"




at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Research Center and Multimedia LAB

Piazza d'Ara Coeli 1, Rome - Italy

with worldwide multi-points connection via interactive web auditorium


16 - 27 July, 2010


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Apostolidis' Key Lecture:

  • Apostolidis, T., Fieulaine, N., Simonin, L., Rolland, G. (2006). Cannabis Use, Time perspective and Risk Perception : Evidence of a moderating effect. Psychology & Health, 21, 571-592.
  • Apostolidis, T., Fieulaine, N., Soule, F. (2006). Future time perspective as predictor of cannabis use : Exploring the role of substance perception among French adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 31, 2339-2343.
  • Beauvois, J-L. & Deschamps, J-C. (1990). Vers la cognition sociale. in : R. Ghiglione, C. Bonnet & J-F. Richard (Eds). Traité de psychologie cognitive 3 (pp 1-110). Paris : Dunod.
  • Dubois, N. (2003). A sociocognitive approach to social norms. Londes : Routledge.
  • Fieulaine, N., Apostolidis, T., Olivetto, F. (2006). Précarité et troubles psychologiques : l’effet médiateur de la perspective temporelle. Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 72, 51-64.
  • Foucault, M. (2004). Naissance de la biopolitique. Paris : Gallimard Seuil.
  • Lewin, K. (1942). Time perspective and morale. In G. Watson (Ed.), Civilian Morale (pp 48-70). New York : Houghton Mifflin.
  • Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in social science. New York : Harper.
  • Moscovici, S. (1984). Introduction : Le domaine de la psychologie sociale. In: Moscovici, S. (ed.). Psychologie Sociale (pp 5-22). Paris: PUF.
  • Moscovici, S. (1988). Notes Towards a Description of Social Representations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18, N° 3, 211-250.
  • Zimbardo, P.G., Keough, K.A., Boyd, J.N. (1997). Present time perspective as a predictor ok risky driving. Personality and Human Differences, 23, 1007-1023.
  • Zimbardo, P.G., Boyd, J.N. (1999). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individual differences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 1271-1288.


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Camargo's Key Lecture:


Bibliographic References related to Dr. Cianci's Key Lecture:

  • Bauer, M., Gaskell, G. (2000). Qualitative researching with text, image and sound. A pratical handbook, Sage, London
  • Ceruti, M. (1986). Constraints and possibilities. Gordon and Breach, New York, NY, USA
  • Cianci, E. (2010, in press). Rappresentazione sociale della società e rapporto col pubblico in una Drug Discovery Research Company: ipotesi di un nuovo ruolo per I comunicatori scientifici, Atti del VIII Convegno Nazionale sulla Comunicazione della Scienza, Polimetrica, Milano
  • Mirowski, P., Van Horn, P. (2005). The Contract Research Organization and the Commercialization of Scientific Research, Social Studies of Science, Vol. 35, No. 4, 503-548, Sage, London
  • Watson, J. (1968). The double helix. A personal account of the Structure of DNA, Atheneum, New York


Bibliographic References related to Prof. de Rosa's Key Lecture:

  • Bangerter, A. (1995). Rethinking the Relation between Science and Common Sense: a Comment on the Current State of SR Theory. Papers on Social Representations, (1021-5573) Vol. 4 (1), pp. 1-78
  • Bauer, M. (2000). Science in the media' as cultural indicator: contextualising surveys with media analysis. In: Dierkes, M. & von Grote, C. (eds) Between understanding and trust: the public, science and technology, Reading, Harwood Academics Publisher, pp. 157-178.
  • Bauer, M.W. (2001). Biotechnology: Ethical Framing in the Elite Press. Noticie di
  • Politeia, 17 (63), pp. 51-66 [Italy, ISSN 1128-2401].
  • Bauer, M.W. & Gaskell, G. (2002). The biotechnology movement. In: Bauer, M.W.& Gaskell, G. (eds) Biotechnology – the making of a global controversy, Cambridge, CUP, pp. 379-404.
  • Cerrato Allende, J. (1996). La nocion de Representacion Social en psicologia social: Definiciones y diferencias con otros constructos representacionales y formas de conocimiento colectivo. Inguruak. Revista de sociologia, 14, pp. 43-74
  • Frazzetto, G. & Anker, S. (2009). Neuroculture. Perspectives, vol. 10, pp. 815-821
  •  Harris, L.T. & Fiske, S.T. (2009). Social neuroscience evidence for dehumanised perception. European Review of Social Psychology, 20, pp.192-231
  •  Jesuino, J.C. (2001). Science, communication and common sense. Presented at 7th International Summer School on Social Representations and Communication "Communication: languages, representations, interaction", Rome, Italy
  •  Kruglanski, A. et al., Pierro, A. (2009). Three decades of lay epistemics: the why, how and who of knowledge formation. European Review of Social Psychology, 20, pp.146-191
  • Legrenzi, P., Umiltà, C. (2009). Neuro-mania. Il cervello non spiega chi siamo. Italia: Le edizioni del Mulino [ISBN: 978-88-15-13071-6]
  • Monchietti, A., Lombardo, E. (2000). Estudio sobre la relación entre discurso científico, discurso social y representación social de la vejez. Investigaciones en psicologia, 5, pp. 67-76.
  • Moscovici, S. (1992). The psychology of scientific myths. In von Cranach, M., Doise, W. & Mugny, G. (eds) Social representations and the social bases of knowledge (Swiss Monographs in Psychology). Hogrefe and Huber Publishers, pp.3-9 [ISBN-13: 978-0889370708]
  •  Nascimento-Schulze, C.M. (1999). Social Representation of the Universe. A Study with Doctors in Human and Natural Sciences. Papers on Social Representations, 8, 5.1-5.13
  • Paez, D. (1987). Representaciones sociales, ideologia y sociologia del conocimiento. Difusion de ideologia, pensamiento social y representacion social. In J. Valencia (Ed.) Teorias sociologicas y psicologia social: individuo, interacción y sociedad, pp. 257-260. San Sebastian: Departamento de psicologia social de la UPV/EHU .
  •  Pereira de Sa, C. (1996). Socialização do saber acadêmico: uma pesquisa sobre a representação social da ciência à luz da teoria do núcleo central . In Pereira de Sa', C. (Ed.) Núcleo central das representações sociais, pp. 147-162. Petropolis: Editora Vozes
  • Pereira de Sa, C., De Oliveira Souto, S., Moeller, R.C. (1996). La représentation sociale de la science par des consommateures et par des non-consommateurs de la vulgarisation scientifique. Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 29, pp. 29-38 
  • Renge, V. & Austers, I. (2003). Social representations of science among university students and teachers in Latvia. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 4, pp. 20-30


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Montali's Key Lecture:

  • Colucci F.P., Montali L. (2004). La terapia Di Bella come caso emblematico del conflitto tra consensuale e reificato: la sua rappresentazione nella stampa. Giornale italiano di psicologia, 1, 141-175.
  • Colucci F.P., Montali L. (2008). Comparative application of two methodological approaches to the analysis of discourse. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 2, 1, 57-70.
  • Montali L. (1999). I libri sul Caso di Bella: prima analisi di una rappresentazione sociale, Ikon, 38, 161-183.
  • Montali L., Colucci F.P., Pieri M. (2005). Il conflitto tra consensuale e reificato: il caso Di Bella a Porta a Porta. Ricerche di Psicologia, 4, 109-138.


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Neculau's Key Lecture:

  • Althusser, L. (1996). Pour Marx, Paris: La Découverte
  • Beauvois, J.L. (1999). Les composants collectives de la personne. In Beauvois, J.L., Dubost, N. & Doise, W., La construction sociale de la personne. Grenoble: PUG.
  • Doise, W., Mugny, G. (1997). Psychologie sociale et developpement cognitif, Paris: Armand Colin
  • Feertchak, H., Gamby-Mas, D. (2009).  Valeurs et idéologie. Le cas de valeurs démocratiques. In Rouquette, M.-L. (sous la direction), La pensée sociale. Perspectives fondamentales et rechetrches appliquées. Ramonville Saint-Agne: Érès, pp. 33-57
  • Garnier, C. (2000). La pensée sociale: questions vives. In Garnier, C., Les formes de la pensée sociale, Paris: PUF
  • Guimelli,  C. (1999). La pensée sociale, Paris: PUF
  • Haas, V., Jodelet, D. (1999). Pensée et mémoire sociale. In Petard, J.P. (ed.). Psychologie sociale. Paris: Breal.
  • Markova, I. (2004). Dialogistica si reprezentarile sociale: Iasi: Polirom (traducere din fr.)
  • Moscovici, S. (1961). La psychanalyse, son image et son publique. Paris: PUF.
  • Moscovici, S. (1976). Social Influence and Social Change. London: Academic Press
  • Moscovici, S., Hewstone, M. (1984). De la science au sens comun. In Moscovici, S., Psychologie sociale, Paris: PUF
  • Moscovici, S., Vignaux, G. (1994). Le concept de Themata. In Guimelli, C., Structures et transformations des représentations sociales, Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Nièstle
  • Moscovici, S. (1995). Vîgotski, le Grand Robert et la cyber-représentations. Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie sociale, 28, pp. 15-21
  • Neculau, A. (1991). Roumanie: le changement difficile. Connexions n.58, pp. 108-117
  • Neculau, A. (1992). Les "secrets" de l'Est: le modèle roumain. Connexions n.60, pp. 43-56
  • Neculau, A. (2001). Context manipulation and the control of social representations. In Buschini, F. & Kalampalikis, N. (eds) Penser la vie, le social, la nature. Mélanges en l'honneur de Serge Moscovici. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, pp. 263-276
  • Neculau, A. (2002). Le contrôle du contexte politique et la manipulation des représentations sociales. In Garnier, C. & Doise, W. (eds) Les représentations sociales. Balisage du domaine d'étude. Montréal: Editions Nouvelles, pp. 279-294
  • Neculau, A. (2006).  Contrôle du contexte et manipulation des représentations sociales.  In Dorna, A., Sabucedo, J.M. (eds), Etudes et chantiers de psychologie politique. Paris: L’Harmattan [ISBN: 978-2-296-01403-9]
  • Neculau, A. (2008). La corruption de la relation d’aide dans un contexte social contrôlé. Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie, 6, pp. 139-158
  • Neculau, A. (2010). Plasa sociala” sau controlul total. In Neculau, A., Sirota, A., Indivizi si societati sechestrate. Abordare psihosociologica, Editura Universitatii, l.I.Cuza” din Iasi, pp. 44-74
  • Rouquette, M-L. (2009). La pensée sociale. Perspectives fondamentales et recherches appliquées. Ramonville Saint-Agne: Eres
  • Tardif, C., Vygotski, L.S. (2002). L’importance du contact social. In Dorai, M., Psychologie sociale. Repères historiques  et principaux concepts. Paris: In-Press


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Sassone-Corsi's Key Lecture:

  • Armeni, M. (2006). Communicating Physics. Zadigroma Editore (ISBN: 88-88734-14-7)
  • Castelfranchi, Y., Pitrelli, N. (2007). Come si comunica la scienza. Editori Laterza [ISBN: 978-88-420-8235-4]
  • Russel, N. (2010). Communicating Science. Cambridge University Press [ISBN-13: 9780511636578]
  • Sassone Corsi, E. (2005). Il sole nero. Alla scoperta dell’eclissi di Sole (Roma: Gremese).
  • Sassone Corsi, E. (2010). Occhi al cielo. Il telescopio: storia, evoluzione, consigli pratici (Roma: Gremese).
  • CAP Journal. Communicating Astronomy with the Public (