European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

9th International LAB Meeting - Summer Session 2007 List of Professors


Name and



Place of work

& Home Institution

Dates of presence Title of Presentation
Prof. Jean-Claude ABRIC French

Université de Provence


July, 9th -

15th 2007

1 - La théorie du noyau central: son histoire et ses principes.

2 - La théorie du noyau central: approche méthodologique du recueil et analyse des données.

Eng. Andrejs BUIKIS  




Marratech Training sessions on European Ph.D. Web Auditorium.

Communicative patterns and Code of Conducts during e-learning sessions.

Prof. Fabrice BUSCHINI

Swiss Université de Genève

July, 13th

15th 2007

Structure and processes in the study of Social Representations: Where are the groups?
Prof. Annamaria de ROSA Italian

University of Rome

"La sapienza"


Prof. Christian GUIMELLI French

Université de Provence


July, 10th -

15th 2007

1 - Analyse structurale des Représentations Sociales: Perspectives nouvelles.

2 - Analyse structurale des Représentations Sociales: Travaux actuels.

Prof. Laurent MILLAND French

Université de Poitiers


July, 8th -

10th 2007

Advanced courses on Analysis of Similarity and Evoc statistical package: Methodological Training.
Prof. Pascal MOLINER French

University of Montpellier III – Paul Valéry


July, 11th -


1 - Representations and Social cognitions: categorisations, stereotypes, and attributions. The structural approach contribution.

2 - Structural Approaches of the mental imagery and iconography in Social Representations.

Prof. Gabriele OETTINGEN German

University of Hamburg


July, 12th -

15th 2007

From Envisioning to Acting.