Documents and Scientific Material available on the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. Website
Selection of Scientific Material related to the Key Lectures:
* Apostolidis, T., Duveen, G., Kalampalikis, N. (2002). Représentations et croyances. Psychologie et société, 5, 7-11.
* Apostolidis, T. (2002). Représentations d’autrui dans le contexte d’une relation intime : remarques topologiques sur les croyances. Psychologie et société, 5, 13-41.
* de Rosa, A.S. (1994). From theory to meta-theory in S.R.: the lines of argument of a theoretical-methodological debate. Social Science information, 33 (2), 273-304.
* de Rosa, A.S. (2002). Le besoin d’une “théorie de la méthode”. In GARNIER C. (ed.) Les formes de la pensée sociale (pp. 151-187). Paris: P.U.F.
* de Rosa, A.S. (2006). The boomerang effect of radicalism in Discursive Psychology: A critical overview of the controversy with the Social Representations Theory. Journal for the theory of Social Behaviour, 36 (2), pp. 161-201.
* de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio, M. (2003). An empirical example of the comparison between multiple correspondence analysis and space analysis: The diffusion of the social representations theory through the institutional context of scientific communication. In S. Levy & D. Elizur (eds.) Facet Theory. Towards Cumulative Social Science (pp. 73-86). Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Center for Educational Development.
* Duveen, G. (2000). The Power of Ideas. Introduction to S. Moscovici, Social Representations. (pp. 1-17). Cambridge: Polity Press.
* Duveen, G., Lloyd, B. (1993). An ethnographic approach to social representations. In G. Breakwell, D. Canter (Eds) Empirical Approaches to Social Representations (pp 90-109). Oxford: OUP.
* Jodelet, D. (1984). The representation of the body and its transformations. In Farr, R.M., Moscovici, S. (eds). Social Representations. (pp. 211-237). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* Jodelet, D. (1991). Introduction. In Denise, J., Duveen, G. (eds.) Madness and Social Representations. (pp. 1-22). London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
* Jodelet, D. (1993). Indigenous psychologies and social representations of the body and self. In Kim, U., Berry, J.W. (eds). Indigenous psychologies. Research and experience in cultural context. (pp. 177-191). London: SAGE.
* Gervais, M., Jovchelovitch, S. (1998). (eds.) The research: health beliefs among the Chinese Community (pp. 1-7). In The Health Beliefs of the Chinese Community in England. London: Health Education Authority.
* Gervais, M., Jovchelovitch, S. (1998). (eds.) Methodological Issue (pp. 8-13). In The Health Beliefs of the Chinese Community in England. London: Health Education Authority.
* Gervais, M., Jovchelovitch, S. (1998). (eds.) Conclusions and recommendations (pp. 62-71). In The Health Beliefs of the Chinese Community in England. London: Health Education Authority.
Further bibliographic references related to the Key Lectures:
* Apostolidis, T. (2006). Représentations sociales et triangulation: une application en psychologie sociale de la santé. Psicologia. Teoria e Pesquisa, 22 (2), 213-228.
* Apostolidis, T., Deschamps, J.C. (2003). Une approche psychosociale de l’amour: logiques normatives et représentations. Nouvelle Revue de Psychologie sociale, 2 (2), 216-227.
* Apostolidis, T., Rouan, G. Eisenlohr, S. (2003). Construction du rapport aux drogues dans un contexte de précarité. Psychotropes, 9, (2), 65-81.
* Bernstein, B. (1996). Research and Languages of Description. In: B. Bernstein Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity (pp. 134-144). London: Taylor & Francis
* Dany, L., Apostolidis, T. (2002). L’étude des représentations sociales de la drogue et du cannabis : un enjeu pour la prévention. Santé Publique, 14 (4) 335-344.
* Duveen, G. (1997). Psychological development as a social process. In L. Smith, P. Tomlinson, J. Dockerell (Eds), Piaget, Vygotsky and Beyond. London: Routledge.
* Duveen, G. (2000). Piaget Ethnographer. Social Science Information, 39, 79-97.
* Duveen, G. (2001). Representations, Identities, Resistance. In K. Deaux, G. Philogène (Eds) Representations of the Social. (pp. 257-270). Oxford: Blackwell.
* Geertz, C. (1974). The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.
* Gervais, M., Jovchelovitch, S. (1998). The Health Beliefs of the Chinese Community in England. London: Health Education Authority.
* Guareschi, P., Jovchelovitch, S. (1994). Textos em Representações Sociais. Petrópolis: Vozes.
* Holton, G. (1986). The advancement of science, and its burdens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* Jessor, R., Colby, A., Shweder, R.A. (1996) (eds.) Ethnography and Human Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Jodelet, D. (1991). Madness and Social Representations. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
* Jodelet, D. (1998). Les Représentations Sociales Et L’étude Du Rapport Homme/Environnement. In A.V.D. Rigas (Ed.) Social Representations And Contemporary Social Problems. (pp. 37-51). Ellinika Grammata.
* Jodelet, D. (2002). Les Représentations Sociales Dans le Champ de la Culture. Social Science Information, 41, 111-133.
* Jodelet, D. (2003). Aperçus Sur Les Méthodologies Qualitatives. In S. Moscovici, F. Buschini (Eds) Les Méthodes Des Sciences Humaines. (139-164). Paris: Presses Universitaires De France.
* Jodelet, D. (1994). Le Corps, La Personne Et Autrui. In S. Moscovici (Ed.) Psychologie Sociale Des Relations À Autrui. (pp. 41-68) Paris: Nathan.
* Jovchelovitch, S. (2000). Representações Sociais e Espaço Público: A construção simbólica dos espaços públicos no Brasil. Petrópolis: Vozes.
* Jovchelovitch, S. (2006). Knowledge in Context: Representation, community and culture. London: Routledge.
* Moscovici, S. (2000). Social Representations: Exploration in social psychology. Cambridge: Polity Press.
* Piaget, J. (1926/1929). The Child's Representation of the World. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1932/1932). The Moral Judgement of the Child. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1941/1952). The Child's Conception of Number. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
* Smith, L. (1992). Judgements and Justifications: Criteria for the attribution of children's knowledge in Piagetian research. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 1-23.
* Vinh-Bang (1966). La Méthode Clinique et la Recherche en Psychologie de l'Enfant. In F. Bresson and M. de Montmollin (Eds) Psychologie et Epistémologie Génétiques: Thèmes Piagétiens (pp. 67-81). Paris: Dunov