European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

5th International LAB Meeting - Spring Session 2006 Scientific Materials


Documents and Scientific Material available on the European Ph.D. on S.R. & C. Website (


-      Selection of related articles by Prof. Fabio Lorenzi Cioldi:

Clemence, A., Doise, W., Lorenzi-Cioldi, F. (1994). Prises de position et principes organisateurs des representations sociales. In C. Guimelli (ed.) Structures et transformations des representations socials. Nechautel, Suisse: Delachaux et Niestlè, 119-152.

Doise, W., Clemence, A., Lorenzi-Cioldi, F. (1994). Le charme discrete des attitudes. Papers on Social Representations, 3 (1), 1-3.

Wagner, W., Duveen, G., Farr, R., Jovchelovitch, S., Lorenzi-Cioldi, F., Markova, I., Rose, D. (1999). Theory and method of social representations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2, 95-125.


-      Selection of related articles by Prof. Alain Clemence:

Clémence, A. (2001). Social positioning and social representations. In G. Philogène & K. Deaux (Eds), Representations of the social: Bridging theoretical traditions. Oxford: Blackwell.

Clémence, A., Devos, T., Doise, W. (2001). Social representations of human rights violations : Further evidence. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 60, 89-98.

Clémence, A., Lorenzi-Cioldi, F. (2004) Un modèle d'analyse des ancrages. Nouvelle Revue de Psychologie sociale/New Review of Social Psychology, 3, 157-166.

Staerkle, C., Clémence, A. (2004). Why People are Committed to Human Rights and Still Tolerate Their Violation: A Contextual Analysis of the Principle–Application Gap. Social Justice Research, 17, 389-406.


-      Selection of articles useful for understanding the application of SPAD-N and SPAD-T to the research inspired by Social Representations:

de Rosa A.S. (2000). North-South-East-West: The four points of the compass in the European Skies. A comparison of views from different latitudes in the Social Representations of young people in ten European Countries. In M. CHAIB & B. ORFALI (Eds) Social Representations and Communicative Processes. Jönköping, Jönköping University Press, 51-91.

de Rosa, A.S.,  d’Ambrosio, M. (2003). An empirical example of the comparison between multiple correspondence analysis and space analysis: The  diffusion of the social representations theory through the institutional context of scientific communication. In LEVY S. & ELIZUR D. (eds.) Facet Theory. Towards Cumulative Social Science. Faculty of Arts, Center for Educational Development, Ljubljana: 73-86.

de Rosa, A.S., d’Ambrosio, M., Bocci, E. (2005). EuroSKYcompass: Nation, Europe, World, Social Representations Systems In Action And Construction in Psihologia Sociala. Buletinul Laboratorului Psicologia câmpului social, n.15, Romania: Editura Polirom, Iasi: 47-81.


Bibliographic references on SPAD:

Benzecri, J.P. (1973). L’analyse  des données. Paris: Dunod.

Bolasco, S. (1999). L'analisi multidimensionale dei dati. Roma: Carocci.

Ercolani, A.P., Areni, A. & Mannetti, L. (1990).  La ricerca in Psicologia. Roma: NIS.

Lebart  L., Morineau  A., Lambert , T. (1987).  SPAD N – Manuel de reference. Paris: Cisia.

Losito, G. (1996). L’analisi del contenuto nella ricerca sociale. Milano: FrancoAngeli.


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