Selection of related Ivana Markova’s articles:
- Markova, I. (2003a). Social representations: old and new. In I. Markova (Ed), Dialogicality and Social Representations: The Dynamics of Mind (pp. 118-146). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Markova, I. (2003b). Dialogical triads and three-component processes. In I. Markova (Ed), Dialogicality and Social Representations: The Dynamics of Mind (pp. 147-177). Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
- Markova, I. (2003c). Les focus groups. In S. Moscovici, F. Buschini (Eds), Les methods des Sciences Humaines (pp. 221-242). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Selection of related Nikos Kalampalikis’ articles:
- Orfali, B., Markova, I. (2002). Analogies in focus group: from the victim to the murderer and from the murderer to the victim. European Review of Applied Psychology, 52 (3-4), 263-271.
- Kalampalikis, N., Buschini, F. (2002a). The Prospero Software program: An alternative tool for the study of Social Representation. European Review of Applied Psychology, 52 (3-4), 24l-251.
- Kalampalikis, N. (2002b). La synonymie, l’analogie et la taxinomie: trios formes de categorization pour l’etude des representations socials. Garnier, C., & Doise, W. (Eds.), Les representationes Sociales. Montreal: Editions nouvelles.