European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Summer School 2012 - Participants Presentations


20th International Lab Meeting - Summer Session 2012
18th International Summer School on Social Representations
and Communication

of the

European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication

"Social Representations, Economics and Finance"




at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Research Center and Multimedia LAB

Piazza d'Ara Coeli 1, Rome - Italy

with worldwide multi-points connection via interactive web auditorium


8 - 19 July, 2012



Name and Surname

Title of Presentation


Stefania Aiello

Current, future and ideal family in the social representations of young adults


Adam Chesterman Using self-other substitution to induce behaviour change: The case of earthquakes in Southern France


Laura Dryjanska Living in the City as an Expat: Social Representations of Rome and Warsaw among Highly Qualified Expats from Poland and Italy


Emanuele Fino "La psychanalyse, son image et son public" fifty years later: explorations via the social networks


Nahia Idoyaga Swine flu and collective symbolic coping: a comparison between the public sphere of Mexico and Spain
6. Charline Leblanc Social Thinking, Media and Social Networks: Evolution of Social Representations through a new social sharing of emotions
7. Anna Liguori Social Representations of the economic crisis in different social groups
8. Emilia Pascal Social Representations of current, future and ideal family
9. Alessia Rochira The study of Justice within the Social Representations Paradigm
10. Maya Siag Social Representations of the self and homeland among young Palestinian refugees
11. Siyu Sun Social representations of the stock market: field study in two cultural contexts, Europe and China
12. Haoxing Wang Social representations of the stock market: Media Analysis on Chinese Journals - A comparison between European and Chinese Journals