20th International Lab Meeting - Summer Session 2012
18th International Summer School on Social Representations
and Communication
of the
European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication
"Social Representations, Economics and Finance"
at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Research Center and Multimedia LAB
Piazza d'Ara Coeli 1, Rome - Italy
with worldwide multi-points connection via interactive web auditorium
8 - 19 July, 2012
Name and Surname |
Nationality |
Home Institution |
Title of Presentation |
1. |
Dr. Aleksandra Borkowska |
Polish |
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Poland) |
Between work life and personal happiness: What professionals should know about relationship between job satisfaction and psychological well-being of employees? |
2. |
Dr. Elena Bocci | Italian |
University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) |
Social representations of the stock market: media analysis on European journals |
3. |
Prof. Annamaria de Rosa | Italian |
University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) |
1- Mass Psychology and Stock Market: Heterogeneous Agents, Financial Advisors, Investors and Media 2- The modeling approach as a unifying paradigm for research programs in various thematic areas |
4. |
Eng. Conny Ericsson | Swedish |
CONERI (Sweden) |
European PhD Web-auditorium Marratech Basic and Advanced Training |
5. |
Dr. Mircea-Grigore Havarneanu | Romanian |
University of Iasi (Romania) |
Becoming a European PhD holder in 3 years: transferable skill in time management , writing your doctoral thesis and a successful short article |
6. | Prof. Guan Jian | Chinese |
University of Nankai (China) |
Non-profit Sector and social support network: A case of discrimination groups |
7. | Prof. Erich Kirchler | Austrian |
University of Vienna (Austria) |
8. | Prof. Radim Marada | Czech |
Masaryk University (Czech Republic) |
Multigenerational perspectives in new societal scenarios within an economy in crisis |
9. | Prof. Charles Smith | American |
Queen's College (USA) |