European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Winter Lab Meeting 2016 - Scientific Materials


29th International Lab Meeting – Winter Session 2016

of the

European/International Joint Ph.D. in Social Representations and Communication




"Advanced Training in the meta-theoretical analysis of the specialised literature on Social Representations and Communication"


at the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations & Communication Research Center and Multimedia LAB
Piazza Cavalieri di Malta 2, Rome - Italy


24-27 January 2016



Bibliographic References related to Prof. Jesuino's Key Lecture:

  • Lalonde, B., Moscovici, S., Dumont, R., & Ribes, J.-P. (1978). Pourquoi les écologistes font-ils de la politique?: Entretiens de Jean-Paul Ribes avec Brice Lalonde, Serge Moscovici, René Dumont. Paris: Seuil.
  • Later, B. (1979/1986). The Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, 1979, rééd. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • Prigogine, I. Stengers, I. (1979). La Nouvelle Alliance. Metamorphose de la Science. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Prigogine, I. (1996). La fin des Certitudes. Temps, Chaos et les Lois de la Nature. Paris: Editions Odile Jacob.
  • Serres, M. ( 1992). Le contrat naturel. Champs - Flammarion


Bibliographic References related to Prof. de Rosa's Key Lecture:

  • de Rosa, A.S. (1992). From the theory to meta-theory of Social representations: emerging trends. Invited paper presented at the symposium organised by S. Moscovici, F. Elejabarrieta & W. Wagner, Theoretical Aspects of Social Representations, 25th International Congress of Psychology, (Brussels, 19-24 July 1992). [invited key lecture]
  • de Rosa A.S. (1994). From theory to meta-theory in S.R.: the lines of argument of a theoretical-methodological debate. Social Science information, 33 (2), 273-304.
  • de Rosa A.S. (1994). The end justifies the means, but the means might modify the end. Invited paper presented at the Round Table "Methodological Perspectives on Social Representations" – 2nd International Conference on Social Representations (Rio de Janeiro, 29 August – 1 September 1994)
  • de Rosa A.S. (2000). Towards a meta-theoretical analysis of the whole scientific production on S.R.: another step. Ve Conférence Internationale sur les Représentations Sociales, (Montréal, 30 August – 2 September 2000)
  • de Rosa A.S. (2000). Distance Training of European doctoral training students in meta-theoretical analysis of fully researched bibliographic corpus. Proceedings of The Wanderstudent 2000. The Wanderstudent of 1425 revived in virtual reality in 2000? Towards a European Virtual University (pp. 95-98). (Leuven, 20-21 October 2000), Leuven: Leuven University Press.
  • de Rosa A.S. (2001). A meta-theoretical view of fully-researched bibliographic corpus on Social Representations. Visioconférence "Interdisciplinarité et représentations sociales", Paris VIII, France – UQAM, Montréal, Canada, (Université Paris VIII, 12 March 2001)
  • de Rosa A.S. (2001). Le besoin d’une “théorie de la méthode”. In GARNIER C. (ed.) Les formes de la pensée sociale (pp. 151-187). Paris: P.U.F.
  • de Rosa A.S. (2003). Communication versus discourse. The “boomerang” effect of  the radicalism in discourse analysis. In J. Laszlo & W. Wagner (eds.) Theories and controversies in Societal Psychology (pp. 56-101). Budapest: New Mandate.
  • de Rosa A.S. (2003). Sistema di co-operazione e formazione a distanza implementato sul sito web dell'European doctoral programme on Social Representations and Communication: verso l'attivazione di una "intelligent virtual library". In M. Olivetti Belardinelli (Ed.), Orientamenti della ricerca in Italia sullo sviluppo e l'adattamento psicosociale. Valentini Day 12 Gennaio 2001 (pp. 99-109). Roma: Edizioni Kappa. [ISBN: 9788878904804].
  • de Rosa, A.S.,  d’Ambrosio, M. (2003). An empirical example of the comparison between multiple correspondence analysis and space analysis: The diffusion of the social representations theory through the institutional context of scientific communication. In S. Levy & D. Elizur (eds.) Facet Theory. Towards Cumulative Social Science (pp. 73-86). Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Center for Educational Development.
  • de Rosa A.S. (2004). "What makes the difference?" Notes inspired by a reflexive view of the Social Representations Theory. Invited key lecture at the 7th International Conference on Social Representations "Social Representations and Forms of Interaction: Individuals, Groups and Social Movements", Universidad de Guadalajara, (Mexico, 10-14 September 2004). [invited key lecture]
  • de Rosa, A.S. (Ed.)(2008). Special Issue “Looking at the History of Social Psychology and Social Representations: Snapshot views from two sides of the Atlantic", Rassegna di Psicologia, Roma, Italy: Carocci.
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2011). 1961-1976: a meta-theoretical analysis of the two editions of the “Psychanalyse, son image et son public”, in Howarth C., Kalampalikis, N. Castro, P. (2011, forthcoming) Eds. A half century of social representations: discussion on some recommended papers, Special Issue, Papers on Social Representations., vol. 20, Issue 2 (pp. 36.1 - 36.34). ISSN: 1021-5573.
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2011). 1961, 1976, 2011: un compleanno e insieme un battesimo! , Introduzione all’ Edizione Italiana di S. Moscovici (1976 2nd ed.) La psicoanalisi: la sua immagine, il suo pubblico, (pp. 9-82) Edizioni Unicopli: Milano. (ISBN: 978-88-400-1503-3)
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2011) 1961-1976: o analizã meta-teoreticã a celor douã ediflii ale cãrflii Psychanalyse, son image et son public Psihologia Sociala, 28 (2): 97-135, ISSN 1454-5667
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2011) 1961-2011: 50 de ani de istorie a unei idei reprezentând "mai mult decât o teorie". Partea I (50-year history of an idea that is "more than a theory", Part I), Societal and Political Psychology International Review, 2, 1: 11-32. ISSN 2068-6315
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2011) 1961-2011: 50 de ani de istorie a unei idei reprezentând "mai mult decât o teorie". Partea II (50-year history of an idea that is "more than a theory", Part II), Societal and Political Psychology International Review, 2, 2: 11-37 ISSN 2068-6315
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2011). 50 anos depois: a ‘Psychanalyse, son image et son public’ na era do Facebook. In A. Almeida, Z. Trindade, F. Santos (Eds.) Teoria das Representações sociais - 50 anos., (pp. 491-561) Technopolitik e Centro Moscovici, Brasilia: MEMORES/UERJ, REPSO/UFES, LABINT/UFPE
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2012). La psicoanalisi, la sua immagine, il suo pubblico: 1961-2011. Compiere 50 anni nell'era dei social networks. In I. Galli (Ed.) Cinquant'anni di Rappresentazioni sociali. Bilanci e prospettive di una Teoria in continuo divenire (pp. 59-101) Milano: Edizioni Unicopli. ISBN 9788840015262
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2013). Taking stock: a theory with more than half a century of history. Introduction to: A.S. de Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena”. (pp. 1-63.) Routledge, New York – London. ISBN 978-0-415-59119-5
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2013). Research fields in social representations: snapshot views from a meta-theoretical analysis In A.S. de Rosa (Ed.), Social Representations in the "social arena". (pp. 89-124),Routledge, New York – London. ISBN 978-0-415-59119-5
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2014). The So.Re.Com. "A.S. de Rosa" @-Library: A Multi-Purpose Web-Platform in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Representations and Communication. In Inted 2014 Proceedings, Valencia: INTED Publications. ISBN: 978-84-616-8412-0 / ISSN: 2340-1079
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2014) The "Impact of the Impact": Geo-Mapping The Social Representations Theory Facing The Global Dissemination Challenge In The Bibliometric Culture Era. Acts of the 12th International Conference on Social Representations and IV Luso-Brazilian Colloquium on Health, Education and Social Representations, São Paulo, Brazil, 20-23 July 2014.
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2015). The So.Re.Com. “A.S. de Rosa” @-library: a digital tool for integrating scientific documentation, networking and training purposes in the supra-disciplinary field of Social Representations and Communication, In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, (4938-4949). IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch487
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2015). The Use of Big-Data and Meta-Data from the So.Re.Com A.S. de Rosa @-Library for Geo-Mapping the Social Representation Theory’s Diffusion over the World and its Bibliometric Impact. In INTED2015 Proceedings, (pp. 5410-5425), Madrid: INTED Publications. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7 / ISSN: 2340-1079


Complementary Readings

  • Abreu Lopes, C., Gaskell, G. (2015). Social representations and societal psychology. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell & J. Valisner (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations (pp. 29-42). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bauer, M. (2015). On (social) representations and the iconoclastic impetus. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell & J. Valisner (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations (pp. 43-63). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Doise, W., Valentim, J.P. (2015). Levels of Analysis in Social Psychology. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 13. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 899–903. ISBN: 9780080970868
  • Flick, U., Foster, J., Caillaud, S. (2015). Researching social representations. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell & J. Valisner (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations (pp. 64-80). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Howarth, C. Kalampalikis, N. Castro, P. (2011) Eds. A half century of social representations: discussion on some recommended papers, Special Issue, Papers on Social Representations., vol. 20, Issue 2
  • Jodelet, D. (2005). Vinte anos da teoria das representações sociais no Brasil. In D.C. Olveira, P.H.F. Campos (eds.), Representações sociais uma teoria sem fronteiras. Rio de Janeiro: Museu da República.
  • Jodelet, D. (2008), Social Representations: The Beautiful Invention. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 38: 411–430.
  • Moscovici, S. (1968). Pourrons-nous gouverner la nature? – Entretien. Raison Présent, 13: 25-36.
  • Moscovici, S. (1968/1977). Essai sur l'histoire humaine de la nature. Paris, Flammarion. ISBN: 9782080810106.
  • Moscovici, S. (1969). Le marxisme et la question naturelle. L'Homme et la Société, 13: 59-109.
  • Moscovici, S. (1972). La société contre nature. Paris, Union Générale d'éditions (édition revue et corrigée par l’auteur, postface inédite, Paris: Seuil, 1994). ISBN: 9782020221573.
  • Moscovici, S. (1973). La società contro natura. Roma, Astrolabio Ubaldini. ISBN: 8834004086.
  • Moscovici, S. (1974). Le tabou de l’inceste. Les Cahiers du GRIF, 3: 72-74.
  • Moscovici, S. (1974). Hommes domestiques et hommes sauvages. Paris, Union Générale d'éditions. ISBN: 9782267001914.
  • Moscovici, S. (1975). Sociedad contra natura. Mexico City: Siglo XXI Editores. ISBN: 9789682307331.
  • Moscovici, S. (1976). Society against nature: the emergence of human societies. Hassocks, Harvester Press - Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press. ISBN: 9780391005235.
  • Moscovici, S. (1976). Le réenchantement du monde. In Norman Birnbaum (Ed.), Au-delà de la crise. Paris, Seuil: 137-176.
  • Moscovici, S. (1978). L'écologie considère les sociétés du point de vue de la nature…. In Jean-Paul Ribes, Brice Lalonde, Serge Moscovici and René Dumont (Eds.). Pourquoi les écologistes font-ils de la politique?. Paris, Seuil: 49-146.
  • Moscovici, S. (1985). Les contradictions de l'écologie. Pour, Sous la crise, l'environnement, 99: 72-75.
  • Moscovici, S. (1985). La nature créée (entretien). L'écrit du temps, 8/9: 43-64.
  • Moscovici, S. (1985). La era de las multitudes: un tratado histórico de psicología de las masas. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. ISBN: 9681614488
  • Moscovici, S. (1990). Questions for the Twenty-first Century. Theory Culture Society; Vol. 7 (1). DOI: 10.1177/026327690007004001
  • Moscovici, S. (1992). The natural question in Europe. In Bento Bremer (Ed.), Europe by Nature: starting-points for sustainable development. Amsterdam, Conspectus Europae, Assen, Van Gorcum: 176-203.
  • Moscovici, S. (1993). La polymérisation de l'écologie. In Marc Abeles (Ed.), Le défi écologiste. Paris, L'Harmattan: 15-26.
  • Moscovici, S. (1996). La fin de l'écologie? In Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Jacques Hainard and Roland Kaehr (Eds.). Natures en tête. Neuchâtel, Publication du Musée d'Ethnographie: 285-298.
  • Moscovici, S. (1998). Passion révolutionnaire et passion éthique. In Michel Wieviorka (Ed.). Raison et conviction: l'engagement. Paris, Textuel: 87-109.
  • Moscovici, S. (1998). La nature, Le Nouvel Observateur. Dossier spécial "La Philo", mars, 32: 16-18.
  • Moscovici, S. (2000). Le mouvement écologiste devrait se considérer comme une minorité (entretien). EcoRev' Revue critique d'écologie-politique, Dossier Ecologie et transformation sociale, 01.
  • Moscovici, S. (2000). Entretien. Revue Internationale des Sciences de l'Education. Dossier Représentations et engagements: des repères pour l'action. 4: 9-16.
  • Moscovici, S. & Hess, R. (2002). Réenchanter la nature. Entretiens de Rémi Hess avec Serge Moscovici. Les Irréductibles, 1, 373-384.
  • Moscovici, S. (2002). De la Nature. Pour penser l'écologie. Paris, Métailié. ISBN: 9782864244103
  • Moscovici, S. & Dibie, P. (2002). Retour à la Nature. Entretiens. Paris, Editions de l'Aube.
  • Moscovici, S. (2005). Sulla natura. Per pensare l’ecologia. Milano, Il Saggiatore. ISBN: 9788842812548
  • Moscovici, S. & Lecœur. E. (2006). Créer une nouvelle forme de vie. Multitudes, 24, 1: 29-39.
  • Moscovici, S. (2012). Nos sociétés biuniques. Communications, 2 (n° 91), ISBN: 9782021064261
  • Moscovici, S., Markova, I. (2006). The making of modern social psychology: The hidden story of how an international social science was created. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity Press
  • Rateau, P., Moliner, P., Guimelli, C., Abric, J.C. (2011). Social Representation Theory. In Paul A.M. Van Lange, Arie W. Kruglanski & E. Tory Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology, Vol. 2, pp. 477-407, Los Angeles / London : Sage Publications.
  • Rateau, P. & Lo Monaco, G. (2013). La Théorie des Représentations Sociales: orientations conceptuelles, champs d’applications et méthodes. Revista CES Psicología, 6(I), 1-21.
  • Ribes, Jean-Paul, Lalonde, Brice, Moscovici, S., & Dumont, René (1978). Pourquoi les écologistes font-ils de la politique?: Entretiens de Jean-Paul Ribes avec Brice Lalonde, Serge Moscovici, René Dumont. Paris, Seuil. ISBN: 9782020047944.
  • Sammut, G., Andreouli, E., Gaskell, G., & Valsiner, J. (2015). Social representations: a revolutionary paradigm? In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell & J. Valisner (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations (pp. 3-11). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wachelke, J. Rodrigues Matos, F. Cerchi Soares Ferreira, G. Rannelle de Lima Costa,R. (2015). Um Panorama da Literatura Relacionada às Representações Sociais. Trends in Psychology / Temas em Psicologia, Vol. 23(2), pp. 309-325. DOI: 10.9788/TP2015.2-06-Pt
  • Wagner, W. (2015). Representation in action. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell & J. Valisner (Eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations (pp. 12-28). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.