European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Summer School 2016 - Scientific Materials


31st International Lab Meeting – Summer Session 2016
22nd International Summer School on Social Representations and Communication

of the

European/International Joint Ph.D. in Social Representations and Communication


The “methodological polytheism in the Social Representations literature and its implication in the contemporary communication era:
distinctiveness and dialogue between multiple research methods (textual and image-based research sources and tools, traditional and new media-based research design, experimental and field oriented studies)


 at the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations & Communication Research Center and Multimedia LAB
Piazza Cavalieri di Malta 2, Rome - Italy


17-23 July 2016


Bibliographic References related to Prof. de Alba's Key Lecture:

  • Capron, G., & De Alba, M. (2010). Creating the middle-class suburban dream in Mexico City. Culturales, Vol. 6(11), pp. 159-183. ISSN 1870-1191
  • De Alba, M. (2012). A methodological approach to the study of urban memory: Narratives about Mexico City. In Forum qualitative sozialforschung/forum: qualitative social research Vol. 13(2), art. 27. ISSN 1438-5627
  • De Alba, M. (2014). Imaginary Maps and Urban Memory: Elements for the Study of Territorial Identity. Papers on Social Representations, Vol. 23(2), p125-153. ISSN 1021-5573
  • De Alba, M., & Aguilar, D. M. Á. (2012). Déplacements urbains et interaction sociale: le cas du système de transport collectif par métro dans la ville de Mexico. Bulletin de psychologie, Vol. 517(1), pp. 19-32. ISSN 0007-4403
  • De Alba, M., & Dargentas, M. (2015). A study on the social representations and social memory of Brest, a French city destroyed during the Second World War 1. Psicologia e Saber Social/Psychology and Social Knowing, Vol. 4(2), pp. 195-206. doi: 10.12957/psi.saber.soc.2015.20075. e-ISSN: 2238-779X


Bibliographic References related to Prof. de Rosa and Prof. Fino Key Lecture:

  • de Rosa, A.S., (2011) 50 anos depois: a 'Psychanalyse, son image et son public' na era do Facebook. In A. Almeida, Z. Trindade, F. Santos (Eds.) Teoria das Representações sociais - 50 anos (pp. 491-561) Technopolitik e Centro Moscovici, Brasilia: MEMORES/UERJ, REPSO/UFES, LABINT/UFPE (ISBN: 978-85-62313-07-3.)
  • de Rosa, A.S. (2012). La psicoanalisi, la sua immagine, il suo pubblico: 1961-2011. Compiere 50 anni nell'era dei social networks. In I. Galli (Ed.) Cinquant'anni di Rappresentazioni sociali. Bilanci e prospettive di una Teoria in continuo divenire (pp. 59-101) Milano: Edizioni Unicopli. ISBN 9788840015262
  • de Rosa, A.S., Fino, E. Bocci, E. (2014). Addressing Healthcare On-Line Demand and Supply relating to Mental Illness: knowledge sharing about psychiatry and psychoanalysis through Social Networks in Italy and France. In A. Kapoor, C. Kulshrestha (Eds) Dynamics of Competitive Advantage and Consumer Perception in Social Marketing (pp. 16-55), Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • de Rosa, A.S., Fino, E. Bocci, E. (2016). Les réseaux sociaux, nouvel espace interactif pour les représentations sociales et l'intervention. En discutant de psychanalyse, de psychiatrie et de santé mentale sur Facebook, Twitter e Yahoo! Answers. In L. Negura (Ed) L'intervention en sciences humaines: l'importance des représentations (pp. 271-297). Presse de l'Université de Laval. ISBN: 978-2-7637-2316-7
  • Mylynn Felt, J. (2016). Methods in Action: Mylynn Felt on Using Data in Qualitative Research. MethodSpace. Sage Publications.
  • Todd, M. (2016). Methods in Action: Visualizing Social Media Analysis. MethodSpace. Sage Publications.


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Lassarre's Key Lecture:

  • Cardon, D. (2016). A quoi rêvent les algorithmes: Nos vies à l’heure des big data. Seuil.
  • Saporta G. (2008). Models for Understanding versus Models for Prediction. In P. Brito (Ed.), Compstat Proceedings, (pp. 315-322), Physica Verlag


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Marková's Key Lecture:

  • Flyvbjerg, B. (2006). Five misunderstandings about case-study research. Qualitative inquiry, Vol. 12(2), pp. 219-245. DOI: 10.1177/1077800405284363
  • Markova, I. (In Press). On thematic concepts and methodological (epistemological) themata. Papers on Social Representations, ISSN: 1021-5573
  • Markova, I. (draft). The Ego-Alter interdependence in dialogical professional practices


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Mazzara's Key Lecture:

  • Baker, P., Gabrielatos, C., Khosravinik, M., Krzyżanowski, M., McEnery, T., & Wodak, R. (2008). A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press. Discourse & Society, Vol. 19(3), pp. 273-306.
  • Bargh J.A. (2006). What have we been priming all these years? On the development, mechanisms, and ecology of nonconscious social behavior. European Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 36, pp.147-168.
  • Binotto, M., Bruno, M. and Lai, V. (Eds)(2016). Tracciare confini. L’immigrazione nei media italiani. FrancoAngeli, Milano
  • de Rosa, A. S. (2006). The “boomerang” effect of radicalism in Discursive Psychology: A critical overview of the controversy with the Social Representations Theory. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour36(2), 161-201.
  • Evans, V., & Green, M. (2006). Cognitive linguistics: An introduction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Gibson S. (2015). From representations to representing: on social representations and discursive-rhetorical psychology. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell, & J. Valsiner (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations, pp. 210-223. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jovchelovitch, S. (2001).  Social Representations, Public Life and Social Construction. In K.Deaux & G. Philogene (Eds.) Social Representations: Introductions and Explorations. Blackwell Publishers: Oxford.
  • King R. & Wood N. (Eds.)(2001). Media and Migration:  Constructions of Mobility and Difference. London: Routledge.
  • Lakoff, G., Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Lahlou, S. (2015). Social representations and social construction: the evolutionary perspective of installation theory. In G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell, & J. Valsiner (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations, pp. 193-209. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
  • Litman, L., & Reber, A. S. (2005). Implicit cognition and thought. In K. J. Holyoak & R. G. Morrison (Eds) The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning, pp. 431-453. Cambridge University Press
  • Mattes, P. (2004). Old-stream’psychology will disappear with the dinosaurs! Kenneth Gergen in conversation with Peter Mattes and Ernst Schraube. In Forum: Qualitative Social Research Vol. 5(3), Art. 27,
  • Molden, D. C. (2014). Understanding priming effects in social psychology: What is “social priming” and how does it occur?. Understanding Priming Effects in Social Psychology, Vol. 3, pp. 1-11.
  • Musolff, A. (2012). The study of metaphor as part of critical discourse analysis.Critical discourse studies, Vol. 9(3), pp. 301-310.
  • Stam, H. J. (2001). Introduction: Social constructionism and its critics. Theory & Psychology11(3), 291-296.
  • Stam, H. J. (2002). Introduction: Varieties of social constructionism and the rituals of critique. Theory & Psychology12(5), 571-576.
  • Voelklein, C., & Howarth, C. (2005). A review of controversies about social representations theory: A British debate. Culture & Psychology11(4), 431-454.
  • Wagner, W. (1996). Queries about social representation and construction.Journal for the theory of social behaviour26, 95-120.


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Mitarcă's Key Lecture:

a) Mass Media vs. Social Media from the perspective of media studies

  • Lovink, G., & Niederer, S. (Eds.)(2008). Video vortex reader: Responses to YouTube. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. ISBN: 978-90-78146-12-4
  • Caers, R., De Feyter, T., De Couck, M., Stough, T., Vigna, C., & Du Bois, C. (2013). Facebook: A literature review. New Media & Society, Vol. 15(6), pp. 982-1002. ISSN: 1461-4448
  • Pedroni, M., Pasquali, F., & Carlo, S. (2014). "My Friends are my Audience": Mass-mediation of Personal Content and Relations in Facebook. Observatorio (OBS*), Vol. 8(3), pp. 97-113. ISSN 1646-5954
  • Dominick, J. R. (2012). Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition (12th Edition). McGraw-Hill College. ISBN: 978-0073526195
  • Williams, K. (2003). Understanding Media Theory. Hodder Arnold Publications. ISBN: 9780340719039
  • Alejandro, J. (2010). Journalism In The Age Of Social Media. Reuters Institute Fellowship, p.all.
  • Self, C.C., Gaylord, E.L. and Gaylord, T. (2009). The Evolution of Mass Communication Theory in the twentieth Century. The Romanian Review of Journalism and Communication Vol. 6(3), pp. 29-42. ISSN: 1842-256x
  • Poe, M.T. (2011). A History of Communications: Media and Society from the Evolution of Speech to the Internet. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9780521179447
  • Grabowicz, P. (2014). The transition to digital journalism. Knight Digital Media Center Multimedia Training.
  • Biagi, S. (2007). Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media. Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1111346362
  • Siapera, E. (2012). Understanding New Media. London, Sage. ISBN: 9781848607798
  • Buckingham, D., Willett, R. (Eds)(2009). Video Cultures: Media Technology and Everyday Creativity. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-24469-6
  • Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, Vol. 13(1), pp. 210-230. ISSN: 1083-6101
  • Baradell, S. (2005). Understanding the “Long Tail” Theory of Media Fragmentation. Idea Grove. (Online document)


b) The Role of Media in Shaping the Social Imaginary: films as social document. The case of gender and genre in the sense making through films

  • Friedman, J. (Ed.)(2002). Reality squared: Televisual discourse on the real. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers Univ. Press. ISBN: 0-8135-2989-1
  • Hamburger, K. (1986). Logique des genres littéraires. Paris, Seuil. ISBN: 9782020091633
  • Marcus, A. (2005). “It was as it is”: Feature Film in the History Classroom. The Social Studies, Vol. 96(2), pp. 61-67. ISSN: 0037-7996
  • Mohanty, C. T. (1992). Feminist Encounters: Locating the Politics of Experience. In M. Barrett and A. Phillips (eds) Destabilizing Theory: Contemporary Feminist Debates, pp. 68-86. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN: 978-0804720311
  • Murray, L. (1977). The Feature Film as Historical Document. The Social Studies, Vol. 68 (1), pp. 10-14. ISSN: 0037-7996
  • Russell, W. B. (2012). The Art of Teaching Social Studies with Film. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, Vol. 85 (4), pp. 157-164. ISSN: 0009-8655
  • Song, M. (2006). Gender in a Global World. In Davis, Evans and Lorber (eds.) Handbook of Gender and Women’s Studies, pp. 185-195. London, Sage Publications. DOI: ISBN: 9780761943907
  • Steiger, J. (2000). Perverse Spectators: The Practices of Film Reception. New York University Press. ISBN: 9780814781395
  • Weedon, C. (1999). The Question of Difference. Feminism, Theory and the Politics of Difference, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers. ISBN: 978-0-631-19823-9


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Philogene's Key Lecture:

  • Orne, M. (1962). On the Social Psychology of the Psychological Experiment. American Psychologist​, vol. 17(11), pp. 776-783
  • Sarup, S. (1975). Levels of Analysis in Social Psychology and Related Social Sciences. Human Resources, vol. 28(8), pp. 755-769


Bibliographic References related to Prof. Yoshihama's Key Lecture: