The general Scientific/didactic/administrative structure of the multi-partner M.C.T.S. relays on the well-established structure of the Euro PhD network, as follows:
- a Programme Director, whose function is to monitor the scientific quality of the Euro PhD programme; the Programme Director is prof. Serge Moscovici, founder of the theory of social representations, first President of the European Association for Experimental and Social Psychology (E.A.S.E.P.), founder and Head of the Laboratoire Européen de Psychologie Sociale (LEPS-M.S.H.).
- a Scientific Co-ordinator, who is responsible for the scientific and administrative management of the Euro PhD; the Scientific Co-ordinator is prof. Annamaria de Rosa of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". She is also the Scientific Co-ordinator of the multi-partner M.C.T.S. and the International Summer Schools dedicated to the Euro PhD.
- a Core Executive Committee, made up of the Scientific Co-ordinator of both the M.C.T.S. and Euro PhD, the Programme Director of the Euro PhD and the representative partners of the universities who officially recognise the Euro PhD qualification (prof. J. Jesuino: I.S.C.T.E., Lisbon, P; prof. Klaus Helkama, University of Helsinki, FIN).
- a M.C.T.S. Scientific Board, made up of a representative partner of each M.C..T.Site; their task is to act as tutors of the M.C. fellows, promote the M.C.T.S. programme within their own University, contribute to didactic organisation, and possibly establish relations with the home tutor of the M.C. Fellows.
The same structure characterizes the European PhD including in addition:
- a Euro PhD Scientific Board made up of the partners of the whole network universities of the European PhD; their task is to act as tutors, promote the Euro PhD programme within their own country, contribute to didactic organisation, and co-organise the hosting of the Summer School in their own country when required;
- an Evaluation Board; students' final PhD theses, written in the national language of the country where the doctorate is carried out, are assessed by an Evaluation Board of academics from network universities and invited external international experts.
A preliminary start up meeting for implementing multi-partner Marie Curie Training Site led by the scientific co-ordinator and the programme director of the Euro PhD with the participation of the representative partners for each M.C.T.S. was held during the 6th International Summer School (Rome, 28th - 3rd June 2000).
A meeting of the Core Executive Committee was held in Paris (october 2000) aimed to examine details of approved implementation plan attached to the contract in order to select candidates for the year 2001. A representative form the Commission services was invited to be present during this meeting.
Subsequent yearly meetings of the Marie Curie Scientific Board (with the participation of a representative partner for each of Marie Curie Training Site) will be held in order to monitor the quality of training and working conditions for the M.C. fellows. A representative of the European Commission services will be invited to attend these meetings
The quality of the scientific M.C. fellow's training integrated within the Euro PhD programme is monitored by Core Executive Committee at quarterly meetings and by the Programme Director of the Euro PhD and the Scientific Co-ordinator at bi-monthly meetings.
The quality of training and working conditions is guaranteed by the M.C.T.S. Scientific Board (see below) and the Core Executive Committee.
General monitoring of the organisation and training offered by the multi-partner M.C.T.S. within the Euro PhD programme is carried out by the whole Scientific Board of the Euro PhD - including the M.C.T.S. Scientific Board - at international yearly meetings held during the International Summer Schools (i.e., in the previous years: Helsinki, 1995; Aix, 1996; Lisbon, 1997; San Sebastian, 1998; Rome, 1999; Rome, 2000).
Assessment tools used in the Open distance learning system based on a web dedicated server are a fundamental help for a continuous monitoring of the training quality at Marie Curie sites. E-mail is the most frequent tool for communication between sites.