European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

14th International Lab Meeting – Summer Session 2009 List of Professors


14th International Lab Meeting – Summer Session 2009
15thInternational Summer School on Social Representations and Communication

of the

European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication


Social Representations

in action and construction in Media and Society





"Cultural and cross-cultural approaches to social representations:
The implications of the globalised/localised cultural scenarios"

 at the European PhD on Social Representations & Communication Research Center and

Multimedia LAB, d’Ara Coeli 1, Rome-Italy

in combination with worldwide on-line connection points


23rd - 30th August, 2009



Name and Surname


Place of work &

Home Institution

Dates of presence

Title of Presentation


Dr. Aleksandra BORKOWSKA Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University August 26th2009 Psychological journey across cultures: Searching for a happy nation


Prof. Annamaria DE ROSA Italian

University of Rome

“La Sapienza”


Continuous Culture is not a hamburger: Cultural and cross-cultural psychology and social representations


Eng. Conny ERICSSON Swedish

Marratech Company



Marratech Training sessions on European Ph.D. Web Auditorium.

Communicative patterns and Code of Conduct during e-learning sessions.


Dr. Paszkal KISS Hungarian Eötvös Loránd University August 26th2009 National identity, representation of ‘Us’ and ‘Others’ in international relations


Prof. James LIU Chinese

University of Wellington

(New Zealand)

August 27th2009

1- Social Representations and Culture: A European-Asian Approach to Symbolic Meaning

2- The symbolic theory of history and identity

6. Prof. Dario PAEZ Spanish

Universidad del Pais Vasco


August 28th
7. Prof. Jean-Marie SECA French

Université de Versailles


August 25th

1- Global Market and Popular Cultures: what links with the Social Representations Theory?

2- The Status and Representations of Minority Underground Music Producers