European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

Obligations and Rights

awareness and respect of the European Charter for Researchers in line with the Code of Practice for Universities and other public research organisations (Brussels, 10.4.2008 C (2008)1329), as a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers.On the part of research trainees:

Consistent with the human and financial resources available, doctoral candidates should be provided with the necessary infrastructure to facilitate their training and the conduct of their research and scientific cooperation activities. They in turn have the following obligations:

  • early awareness of the strong commitment needed to accomplish all requirements of the program in order to avoid drop outs.
  • careful observation of institutional obligations (reports on the state of their Ph.D. work, fees, participation inthe intensive stages, annual research progress report, integrative didactic activity, organisational activities, updating their personal web page on the European/International Joint Ph.D. web site and institutional dedicated data base etc.) and completing their Ph.D. dissertation according to European/International Joint Ph.D. regulations and any agreements established with supervisors (Thesis Charter), especially in cases of collaboration with research programs led by tutors and respecting the conditions laid down by Directors of Host Laboratories or the doctoral programme's co-ordinating organ, including those covering attendance.
  • frequent contact with their tutors and the Scientific Co-ordinator and responding to tutors' and Co-ordinator's recommendations. This includes keeping records of progress in their work and research results, obtaining feedback by preparing reports and participating in seminars and applying that feedback. They must complete work according to agreed upon schedules, milestones, deliverables and/or progress in research output, and must provide information on any significant aspect related to his/her own participation in the European/International Joint Ph.D. programme.
  • awareness and respect of the European Charter for Researchers in line with the Code of Practice for Universities and other public research organisations (Brussels, 10.4.2008 C (2008)1329), as a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers. The 1st Principle applicable to researchers concerns the "Research Freedom": "Researchers should focus their research for the good of mankind and for expanding the frontiers of scientific knowledge, while enjoying the freedom of thought and expression, and the freedom to identify methods by which problems are solved, according to recognised ethical principles and practices. Researchers should, however, recognise the limitations to this freedom that could arise as a result of particular research circumstances (including supervision/guidance/management) or operational constraints, e.g. for budgetary or infrastructural reasons or, especially in the industrial sector, for reasons of intellectual property protection. Such limitations should not, however, contravene recognised ethical principles and practices, to which researchers have to adhere." Cited from the European Charter for Researchers (1st Principle: Research Freedom). The other principles concern: "Ethical principles", "Professional responsibility", "Professional attitude", "Contractual and legal obligations", "Accountability", "Good practice in research", "Dissemination, exploitation of results", "Public engagement", "Relation with supervisors", "Supervision and managerial duties", "Continuing Professional Development" (see European Charter for Researchers); 
  • ensure that their research is relevant to society and does not duplicate research previously conducted elsewhere, avoid plagiarism of any kind and respect the principle of intellectual property and data ownership in all circumstances, including in collaboration on research programs led by tutors, other researchers and research trainees
  • awareness of institutional regulations governing training and/or working conditions, including intellectual property rights regulations and the requirements and conditions of any sponsors or providers of funding.
  • a serious commitment to respect the obligation to complete the Ph.D. in 3 years Research trainees are encouraged to develop a sense of belonging to this scientific community and upon completion of the programme to continue to be active via European/International Joint Ph.D. Alumni initiatives.


On the part of the European/International Joint Ph.D. Teaching Staff:

  • promotion of each partner's carefully recruited candidates
  • attention to their multi-faceted role as supervisors, mentors, career advisors, leaders, project coordinators, managers or science communicators. Concerning their role as supervisors or mentors of research trainees, building constructive and positive relationships with early-stage researchers to create the conditions for an efficient transfer of knowledge and for further successful development of the researcher’s careers
  • concerted and intensive use of thoughtfully designed tutoring and co-tutoring training formulas, avoiding delegation of responsibilities among the three tutors and a "free-flowing state" for Ph.D. research trainees
  • systematic use of tools designed with shared criteria for evaluating initial, intermediate and advanced research reports
  • regular information provided to update credits for research trainees
  • promotion of initiatives dedicated to European/International Joint Ph.D. research trainees or simply extended to them (such as local Ph.D. seminars) organized by each partner university
  • information about everyone's scientific activity and the activity of other partners, disseminated by actively updating the information available on the European/International Joint Ph.D. web site
  • promotion of other qualified tutors
  • strong commitment for increasing the institutional impact at each partner institution and for seeking resources for the sustainability of the joint program
  • active role in the scientific and training activities related to the European/International Joint Ph.D. program (internally for its development and for its external dissemination);
  • taking advantage of innovations in European/International Joint Ph.D. in S.R. & C. networking and communication capabilities implemented via the European/International Joint Ph.D. web-auditorium and participating in the scientific events and management meetings organised by the Programme Director
  • awareness and respect of the European Charter for Researchers in line with the Code of Practice for Universities and other public research organisations (Brussels, 10.4.2008 C (2008)1329), as a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers.