European / International Joint Ph.D. in
Social Representation and Communication

So.Re.Com. Joint-IDP Workshops and Seminars

Methodological Training & Transferable skills workshops

In addition to the training activities and scientific events formally included as organizational commitment in the EC approved SoReCom Joint - IDP contract (3 training events per year: Winter, Spring and Summer Sessions), specific Seminars and Workshops on "Food for mind and Methodological Training  & Transferable skills" will be organised at the European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Centre and Multimedia Lab with the active participation of the doctoral trainees and supervisors

These seminars, involving coordination with other professors and other researchers not only from the European/International Joint PhD laboratory but also from other Sapienza departments and partner institutions, are open to the active participation of all the doctoral trainees currently enrolled in the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication that are physically present at the lab. 

The seminars with an active participation of professors from outside the lab (like the seminar on October 21, 2014, streamed via web-interactive video conference) will also be available through streaming to the European/International Joint PhD doctoral trainees who are currently outside of the lab in Rome (in USA, Austria, Romania). 

Dates & location


26th June 2015

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Luana Michele da Silva Vilas Bôas
University of Rio de Janeiro State - PPGPS/UERJ (Brazil)

Popular Practices and Social Representations of Health
in the ribeirinhas communities: Preliminary results from the doctoral research project

English Translation by ESR Teresa Forte

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Bruno Mazzara, Giovanna Leone, Paola Passafaro, Bruno Sarrica

25th May 2015

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Food for Mind and Methodological training:

Prof. Mieko Yoshihama, Ph.D., LMSW, ACSW

University of Michigan School of Social Work

Many Faces of PhotoVoice: Women’s Experiences of the Great East Japan Disasters

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Bruno Mazzara, Giovanna Leone, Paola Passafaro, Bruno Sarrica

02nd March 2015

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Between the biography of the theory

and one’s own intellectual auto-biography

Video-interview with

Pedrinho Guareschi

a theory’s voice from Brazil

16th February 2015

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Between the biography of the theory

and one’s own intellectual auto-biography

Video-interview with

Martha De Alba

a theory’s voice from Mexico

13th January 2015

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training:

  • Further exercises on Geo-mapping techniques and Tableau software by Agnese Pastorino and Laura Dryianska Other web based options under consideration to be integrated in the new platform of the SoReCom "A.S. de Rosa's" @-Library by ing. Lorenzo Corbella and Ana Tomicic

    a) For options and dynamic for any kind of graphs (also for temporal and dynamic, conceptual tree, news daily, etc. etc.)

    b) Customizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js

    c) come facilities per interfaccia semplificata in 3 step di processo senza programmazione Raw

Supervisors: Ing. Lorenzo Corbella, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska

17th December 2014

Scuola di Dottorato in Biologia e Medicina Molecolare – Auditorium della I Clinica Medica Policlinico Umberto I


Academic skills training:

  • How to Write a Great Research Paper, and Get it Accepted by a Good Journal, by Anthony Newman, Senior Publisher at Elsevier
  • "Mendeley: your research, anywhere" by Massimiliano Bearzot, Customer Consultant at Elsevier

Supervisors: Anthony Newman, Massimiliano Bearzot, Elena Bocci and Laura Dryjanska

16th December 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training:

  • Using Sony Vegas Movie Studio in research (psychology and anthropology), differences between different programs available by Carlos Aguilar and Agnese Pastorino

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Laura Dryjanska and Mauro Sarrica

9th December 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training:

  • Basic principles of textual analysis using Calais by Rafail Vladan Bozanovic and comparative input from other softwares for textual analysis (Spad-T, Alceste and Discan) by Elena Bocci

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska and Mauro Sarrica

25th November 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training:

  • Geo-mapping techniques developed by Prof. de Rosa versus Tableu software by Elena Bocci, Laura Dryianska, Annamaria de Rosa and Agnese Pastorino

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Paola Passafaro, Mauro Sarrica

18th November 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training:

  • Basics of infographics: how to visualize your data in an engaging way by Maryia Kukharava
    a) Infogram: the data visualization online app that brings out the best in the data. Infographics and charts are quick to use, fast to share, and easy on eye.
    b) Piktochart: allows to create and share infographics in a quick, simple and intuitive way.
  • The basics of editing images with Photoshop by Borja De Madaria with Agnese Pastorino's help

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Paola Passafaro, Mauro Sarrica

11th November 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training: Basic principles of statistical quantitative analysis using SPSS by Laura Arhiri

The IBM SPSS Statistics Standard Edition offers the core statistical procedures business managers and analysts need to address fundamental business and research questions. This software provides tools that allow users to quickly view data, formulate hypotheses for additional testing, and carry out procedures to clarify relationships between variables, create clusters, identify trends and make predictions. The IBM SPSS Statistics Standard edition includes the following key capabilities:

  • Linear models offer a variety of regression and advanced statistical procedures designed to fit the inherent characteristics of data describing complex relationships.
  • Nonlinear models provide the ability to apply more sophisticated models to data.
  • Simulation capabilities help analysts automatically model many possible outcomes when inputs are uncertain, improving risk analysis and decision making.
  • Customized tables enable users to easily understand their data and quickly summarize results in different styles for different audiences.

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Pedrinho Guareschi, Paola Passafaro, Mauro Sarrica

4th November 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Methodological training:

  • Qualtrix: Online Survey Software & Insight Platform by Filomena Berardi
  • Basic principles of statistical quantitative analysis using PSPP a free replacement program for the proprietary program SPSS, by Mihaela-Alexandra Gherman

Supervisors: Mauro Sarrica, Paola Passafaro, Elena Bocci, Laura Dryianska, Pedrinho Guareschi and Annamaria de Rosaa

28th October 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Session led by Adela Gjorgjoska
The relevance of debate in academic context

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Bruno Mazzara, Giovanna Leone, Mauro Sarrica, Pedrinho Guareschi

21st October 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Web-interactive training session via Adobe Connect, led by Sonia Adele, IFSTTAR (Paris, France)

  • Presentation of the software MOT: description and functionalities
  • Presentation of the software WORDLE: description and functionalities

Supervisors: Annamaria de Rosa, Elena Bocci, Laura Dryjanska, Paola Passafaro

14th October 2014

European/International Joint PhD in S.R. & C. Research Center


Session led by Ioana Guraliuc
Learning about group dynamics through “trust building” exercises for the group.

  • Theoretical articulations with Group Identity Processes Identity, by Filomena Berardi
  • Theoretical articulations with Trust and Social Representations, by Aminat Ramazanova

Supervisors: Elena Bocci, Annamaria de Rosa, Laura Dryjanska, Paola Passafaro, Bruno Mazzara, Giovanna Leone, Mauro Sarrica

7th October 2014

Deparment of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University


Social Media, Community, Emergencies”

Event organised by Prof. Mauro Sarrica