The requirements for obtaining the European/International Joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication are in accordance with the provisions agreed to by the European Conference of Rectors for doctorates with the label 'European doctorate' and the doctoral regulations of the University of Rome Sapienza, and are as follows:
1) Authorisation for discussion of the thesis follows a multi-step process:
The main tutor and the co-tutors will perform a written evaluation of the thesis;
The thesis and the evaluations by the tutors are then sent to the members of the International Evaluation Board (Final Jury), who will also perform a written evaluation to decide if the thesis is admitted for discussion
2) As stipulated in the regulations of the co-ordinating institution Sapienza University of Rome, the International Evaluation Board is responsible for evaluating research trainees’ final PhD dissertations and is composed of a minimum of three members (who may or may not belong to European/International Joint PhD partner Universities) chosen from a list of six academics designated by the participant universities.
3) The final version of the Ph.D. dissertation must be written in a national language of the European country where the doctorate is being pursued or in English (or French, upon authorisation of the Executive Committee). The shorter version written in English (or French, upon authorisation of the Executive Committee) must be in a format that is ready to be submitted to important international journals by the International Evaluation Board of the Final Jury. In alternative to the “conventional” Thesis format, Research Trainees can adopt the "three papers" PhD thesis format. A short guide introducing this format is available at the following link
4) To be awarded this doctorate, the doctoral candidate is required to spend at least twelve months of his/her research programme at the host institutions of his/her foreign co-tutors.